[center]Specialized Combat Tactics and Maneuvers[/center] [center]Taught by Kurtis Vale, Orre Trainer Academy[/center] [center]Course Syllabus[/center] [center]~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~[/center] Welcome, students, to Specialized Combat Tactics and Maneuvers (or, if you like, “Spec” for short). This syllabus is being provided to each of you so that you know what to expect in my class, and so you cannot attempt to weasel out of an assignment by saying you were not prepared for it. Below, you will find information that will help you to succeed in my class. Do well, and you will find your tactical abilities significantly improved. Slack off, and you will find out just how terrifying a teacher’s wrath can be. Fair warning. [b]Hours[/b] Class will be every day at 1:00pm, immediately after lunch, in room 215. Classes will last until 3:30pm on the dot; you are not allowed to leave early without my express permission. My office can be found through the door in the rear of the classroom; if I am not teaching, you can usually find me there. If you need anything, my door is always open. [b]Course Material[/b] Spec will consist of two major aspects: theory and application. The theory portion of this class will consist of careful analysis of well-known strategies in combat, as well as proposing creative solutions to solving some of these strategies. Theories will consist of a good deal of paperwork and hypothetical situations, so remember to be both attentive and creative when forming your strategies; you will be tested on them. While I know many of you may think theories are not worth your time to study, bear in mind that without a sound battle strategy, your Pokémon may as well be fighting without you. The application part of the class will consist of actual battles, both simulated and real, so always bring your Pokémon to class. These battles will be used in conjunction with your paper-written exams in order to determine the effectiveness of your proposed strategies. Bear in mind that my Pokémon are significantly more experienced than yours, and I do not believe in holding back; if you do not pay attention and apply yourself fully to your work, your grade and your Pokémon will suffer for it. Before you ask: no, this is not going to be the same as Mr. Adams’s course; success in one most certainly does not guarantee success in the other. Laziness, goofing off, and misbehavior will not be tolerated. [b]Classroom Rules[/b] - Always be on time. Being late will result in penalties for that class. - Bring your Pokémon to every class; we will use them quite often. Pokémon are allowed outside of their Pokéballs, but must not disrupt class. - Cheating of any kind will not be tolerated. Any instance of cheating will result in a failing grade for the assignment in question. Multiple instances will result in severe penalties, up to and including expulsion. - Have your homework out and ready to turn in at the beginning of class. Late work will not be accepted except in extreme circumstances (the definition of “extreme” is entirely at my discretion). - You are responsible for your behavior, the behavior of your Pokémon, and the completion of all assignments. [b]Assignments[/b] On occasion, and with varying frequency, I will assign homework for this class. Homework may be reading, writing, or involve active training with your Pokémon outside of class. Homework will be graded, and the average homework grade will count for 10% of your overall grade. There will be a research paper due at the end of the semester. This paper is worth 25% of your overall grade, so it should not be taken lightly. The topic of your paper will be chosen by you, but each topic must be approved by me. You may propose a topic to me at any time until the end of the first month. Anyone without a topic at that time will be assigned a generic, boring, and very unenjoyable topic by me. You will not like what I give you, so I advise you to choose quickly. Also, no repeating topics; each student must choose a unique topic. I will be available at all times before and after classes to help students with this paper, so be creative and bold with your choosing; above all, choose a topic that matters to you, not to me. [b]Grading Scale[/b] A: 100-90 B: 89-80 C: 79-70 D: 69-60 F: 59 or lower ---------------------------- Homework: 10% Classwork/Quizzes: 15% Research Paper: 25% Exams: 20% Final Exam: 30% [b]Extra Lessons[/b] After classes, usually at 5:00pm, I can be found in the field outside the school. Here, I offer special extracurricular lessons on the proper care of Pokémon. These lessons are entirely unofficial and ungraded; you may come and go at your leisure. If you wish to grow closer to your Pokémon, or if you feel your knowledge in proper caretaking is lacking (there is no shame in this – you are all students, and you are all here to learn), I encourage you all to attend. [b]Final Words[/b] Each of you is in this academy for one reason: we believe in your abilities. You are here because you are exceptional trainers, and do not let anyone tell you differently. My goal for this class – no, for this school – is nothing less than to see each of you and your Pokémon become the very best you can be. Stand up, stand fast, forge your path, and never look back. You can do this; I have faith in you. I look forward to teaching all of you in the coming semester. Regards, Kurtis Vale