[quote=@Stepford Psycho]Also [@Darked13] your sheets are accepted, but I have a few questions. How are the cores made? What are they made of? How quickly can they be created? And how do they communicate with each other? [/quote] The cores are made through the synthesis of a copper, Nitrogen, Carbon and Hidrogen compound. The process to obtain such molecules varies depending on the raw materials used. Usually, reagents are reused and waste material is used in the synthesis of other materials when possible. A single core can take from 3 days down to 6 hours to be made, but even the most basic Acruani would need 8 cores to operate. Though, it isn't as if only one can be made at a time, a single factory can make several only limited by energy (which is solar for them) and it isn't as if there is only a single factory. They both emit and absorb a few kinds of waves and particles to communicate. The communication is selectively omnidirectional or directed given enough proximity. Yes, this means that technically an Acruani core decays over time, but given the absorption of radiation and maintenance, the life of a core can be extended indefinitely. As a note, the cores are usually in something that can be simply considered a black box within the ship (or any given device, though the protection varies) to remain in a radiation free environment to avoid interference. Even then, direct tampering with a core tends to be rather unsuccessful as they do interpret the information obtained, and directly feeding them information does not bypass any protocols.