[center][h2][color=662d91]Ridley[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [@Alisdragon911] [color=a187be]"Well, well, swift, to the point and no questions. My troops could learn a thing or two from you."[/color] he crooned. Long bony fingers immediately wrapped around the glass tossing the whole of it's contents down his throat. [color=a187be]"Ah, nothing like the taste of toxic chemicals."[/color] He seemed to zone out for a moment before dropping the glass to the floor, the object shattering upon impact. His expression switched to mock surprise [color=a187be]"Oops, my bad. I guess somebody's going to have to clean that up now."[/color] a cocky smirk was all he gave Ayeka as he rested his arms on the counter, turning his interest over to the other patrons. [center][h2][color=00a651]Knutik[/color][/h2][/center] [hr] [@Dark Light][@QwertyYerty][@Nightingale95] Knutik had grown tired and weary since he first entered the tavern. Even though sleep wasn't something he needed, that didn't mean he couldn't feel mentally exhausted from time to time. He'd completely forgotten why he even went upstairs and just decided to let the matter go. He was ecstatic though to finally discover the name of at least one patron, he was getting tired of referring to everybody with titles. He melted into a puddle of black tarry liquid and mindlessly slid down the stairs considering he was feeling too apathetic and lazy to do much of anything at the moment. Reforming at the bottom of the stairs he gave a glance over to the bar - first noticing some odd purple monster had entered the tavern and a couple of other new faces. Knutik was considering that perhaps he's overstayed his welcome by now. He usually doesn't remain in one spot for very long and yearned to go out searching for treasures again. On the other hand this is the first time he's ever encounter something so new from the mundane human world. A tavern that repairs itself, multiple locations of seemingly infinite universes, doors that make you forget what you've seen beyond them, people not o- ..... He froze. [color=00a651]'.....Doors that make you forget... what you've seen beyond them...'[/color] he suddenly remembered why he went upstairs in the first place.... and then he was gone.