[color=skyblue][h3]Novis Shannon | @Chromis League Line[/h3][/color] Novis was pleased to hear that his guess was at least partially right-- it would've been awkward if it hadn't, and he couldn't help but grin as the stranger did his little thing about his 'brand'. It indeed oozed of some kinda personal style, so if that was what he was going for, it worked well. If all it took to make it in Pokemon contests was having whatever this guy had, then Novis was now confident he was not cut out for them. "Should've guessed you were here for contests too. The real stars always seem to be the eccentric types like you." Novis chuckled to himself. "I'm Novis, but you can call me whatever. This here's Nier." The Growlithe barked again at the sound of his name. Nov knelt down and shushed him with a scratch on the back of the neck before looking back at Dan. At the proposition of a fight with Nier seemed to intimidate the Fletchling at first, but once Danilo reminded it of the hypothetical admirers at stake, the bird jumped out at them with ferocity. Again, Nov couldn't help but grin. "A battle sounds like just the thing to kick this thing off. We're gonna need the training if we're gonna beat all those gyms, anyway." Nier took up a battle stance, ready to pounce at Francis, but Novis gave a short whistle and the Growlithe returned to Nov's side, now contented that it was going to get what it wanted. Novis looked around for a second to get a feel for the current surroundings. "Right here probably isn't the best place, though. Looks like there's a clearing over there where some people are messing around, so how about we throw down over there if we're really doing this?" [b][center]Chromis League Line |-> [@TalijaKey][/center][/b]