[@Grombus] Kay. [hider=Long Form Summary] So, summary of first page, to make sure I got everything. Awesome walking fortress Elicitor has something everyone wants. Angels attack from above, Demons from below. The angels get shot up by artillery and Grafdakka, Demons get shot up by Victoire corrosive toxin'ing whole valley. Victoire seems confident that her corrosion will eventually destroy Elicitor's legs and ground it. Suparna gives Fran a lift on her way to kill/rape a bunch of angels, and then puppets the angels when Fran's done. Gwynn bounces off Grafdakka's hull a few times with both of them failing to achieve much, other than disabling Grafdakka's jetpack. Victoire launches more magic at Elicitor while making speeches. Azaezel and Gwynn order their minions to fight Victoire and her stuff. Suparna and Silana don't have matching goals, but truce to take out Shii'ell and Falz. Shii'ell and Falz are not doing great. Diana renders the entire battle moot by finding the objective, which is a girl named Bastion. HIBIKI and SHIZUKA force Diana to prepare for trouble and make it double. Raziel spends 750 words establishing how awesome he is before spending 50 words actually joining the battle. Finally, Fran taunts angels. ~~ Page 2 Victoire throws a temper tantrum and starts gathering all the blood from the battlefield to make everyone know she's throwing a temper tantrum, probably with powerful magic. Diana yells at bats and tries to run away. Aqua shows up to help mecha maids. Suparna and Silana continue sniping at each other in the wordy way while they continue sniping in the attacking way at Shii'ell and Falz. Kiss already. Grafdakka lands a hit and has Gwynn's halberd. Gwynn opts to bravely ask Raziel to help so that she can go find Diana. Raziel does so while Azaezel launches himself at Victoire. Victoire runs away while dropping her blood ball as a distraction. Shii'ell and Falz hop on the bravely run away away train. Bastion gets shot but is alright, not great, but alright. Is concerned about people's safety. Grafdakka gets a little classical with his musical choices as he tanks lightning and fire like a boss, and shoots more. Really, that's kind of understood at this point that wherever Grafdakka goes, bullets spew forth. Suparna and Silana split up. How tragic. Suparna has the sleepers activate and hurt fortress walky place's defenses. Silana is met by Victoire's teleport. Aqua, Diana, Bastion, Hibiki, and Shizuka decide to have a S&M convention, and Diana and Bastion draw the short straws. But Gwynn busts in and wants to get to dom Bastion instead, and so tries to Shining Elbow Aqua, but Diana is jealous and gets in Gwynn's way. As Gwynn and Aqua fight over who gets to be dom, Hibiki and Shizuka sneak away with Diana and Bastion. Raziel lightnings more. Suyiketsu enters the brawl. Er, fortress. Page 3 Silana and Suparna get back together (re-establish truce)! Go go matchmaker Victoire! Aqua realizes all the other subs have been taken while she wasn't looking, so she convinces Gwynn to join the bondage party as her sub. Krinsa snipes then joins the fight, killing some angels, entering the fortress. Grafdakka. I'm totally biased now. He's the best. Fights Mr. Fancy Pants lightning angel and opts to close the tunnel behind the Elicitor in a glorious explosion fight. Fran's more of a team player than everyone else. Which is not saying much. Raziel loses an arm to the awesomeness that is Grafdakka. But manages to stay on the Elicitor in return, and fights Suparna's angel puppets. Pilot Guy is taken hostage by Suyiketsu. Against Krinsa, who is on the same team as Suyiketsu. Azaezel gives up on the fortress and starts toasting the enemy forces left outside. Raizel is now somehow outside the fortress and coordinating bombardment on it, despite it being underground and the tunnel between it and the surface having been collapsed. Huh? Suparna pokes holes in Victoire's plans. Also kisses Fran. Silana agrees with Victoire's plan, without addressing the holes. Suparna leaves again. Endian seems to confirm that the fortress is now visible to the sky bombardment... Somehow? I really thought Grafdakka sealed the entrance. Grafdakka shares my confusion about the Schrodinger's position of the Elicitor. Grafdakka launches himself at the enemy via giant missile. Azaezel ignores Raziel's commands and leaves. Probably a good thing, as my money is Grafdakka's about to send his fusion reactor critical. Krinsa and Suyiketsu talk for awhile, then start moving as the defense systems come back to life. ~~ Page 4 Declarations and counterdeclarations about defending Bastion. Gwynn and Hibiki exchange names. Silana wants Fran for herself. Or at least without Suparna. Demon attack on cargo bay. Lots of converted machina zerg rush and eat bullets, then Victoire attacks with their blood. Fran wants to steal Gwynn from Aqua. Victoire renders the entire battle pointless by teleporting to Bastion and Diana, then teleporting them to her fortress. This entire battle could have been avoided by having one sleeper agent send Victoire a snapchat of Bastion. Gwynn gets killed by corrupted machina, Fran is captured by Aqua in her place. Fortress arrives at machine city. Victoire attempts to use fire as a torture against a dragon. Wouldn't a dragon be pretty darn heat resistant to avoid killing itself? Omega, Torag, and Sliske make their entrances. Holy carp, you're still reading? Um.. Wow. I didn't keep summarizing. [/hider] [hider=Short Form Summary] First battle on giant walking fortress belonging to Machina, Demons get the treasure. Second battle, against the Leviathan to steal resources, Angels get the treasure, Machina steal back treasure from last round. Third battle, ongoing, attack on angels to get treasure from last battle, but my prediction is that everybody gets an equal share of the resources from the last battle. [/hider] Also, edit mentions don't work.