[b]Name[/b]: Major Ashton Beaufort [b]Title/Alias[/b]: Gotham's Soldier (she will never refer to herself as this, but it's what the news has started calling her.) [b]Picture/Description[/b]: Ashton stands at 5'10" (and that's not even with her combat boots on) and is muscular from her years in the service. Her skin is tanned and she does have sunglasses tan lines but chances are nobody will ever know since she very rarely takes them off. Her eyes are light brown - but again, sunglasses so it's not a well known fact. Her dirty blond hair lives in a permanent stage of Military Donut Bun. [b]Powers/Abilities[/b]: Military training as well as basic martial arts training. Best with a gun or knife but has taught herself how to fight hand to hand. [b]Gear(optional)[/b]: Almost all her gear is standard military type. For weapons she has, an M11 handgun, a Ka-Bar combat knife, a M4 carbine, and various grenades (including frag, smoke, and stun). She wears modified combat gear; it's been dyed black to blend in better and she has added more bullet-proof ceramic plating into it. She also wears sunglasses and a helmet - also painted black like her uniform. She also has binoculars, night-vision goggles, a mag light, flares, and a basic first-aid kit. [b]Personality[/b]: The typical soldier; she is stoic and strong, obedient when she has respect for her leaders, but doesn't take shit. She is fiercely protective of the innocent people of Gotham and will put her life on the line for them. While she may come off as cold, when she does relax and let the soldier-mode slip, she is kind albeit a tad snarky. [b]Bio[/b]: Ashton grew up in Gotham with a single mother. She never knew her father, but honestly, it was never really a big deal for her. It was pretty ordinary. Growing up in Gotham made her tough, but it never made her mean. She was the kid that would beat a bully black and blue then walk the bullied kid home to make sure they were safe. It was no surprise that she ended up idolizing Batman - and later Batwoman as well. It was even less of a surprise that she signed up for the Marines when she was old enough. After ten years in the Marines, Ashton became a Major and was working on becoming a Lieutenant Colonel when the Justice League went missing. Ashton retired from the Marines and made her way home to Gotham, only to find it much worse than it ever had been. Crime was even more rampant than it had ever been now that Batman was gone. It started out as just helping here and there; disarming a robber who happened to be in the same convenience store as her, stopping assaults on civilians, etc. But as crime got worse, Ashton started dedicating herself more and more to stopping it. While she doesn't really consider herself a superhero by any means - after all, she's just a retired soldier - fighting crime has become her day job and she has started to become a known figure in Gotham.