Name: Maen Title: Mad-One Age: I can't remember... Gender: What am I? Allegiance: Demon Race: A mad thing. Personality: Insane, never interacted with any living creature until brought to the nexus so he is unstable, not malicious but can't control himself. Confused at all of the new things he is seeing. Appearance: [hider=My Hider] [img][/img] [/hider] History: Alone. Since time immemorial I have always been alone. I do not remember my beginning, I can't remember how it all started. All I remember is the midnight shore, the sea of glass, the nameless stones, and the songs the moon sang to me. Under the moonlit whispers upon the midnight shore the lightning chased the thunder, and the voices sung blood down upon the sand. I knelt my head upon the nameless rocks, and took them in my hands but all is ash and dust and pain. A distant song sad and melancholy danced on the waves, tides of glass washed my arms as ash to dust which once was now is again. A soundless whisper upon the wind carried far away, to break the tide of glass upon the midnight glade. A dark and soundless song, sung behind the moon. The starless night listened wide yet sound it did not hear. The glass is shattered noiselessly upon the nameless stones. The lady on the mirror, beckoned to the wind, as storming silence sank the blood into the midnight sand. Under the sea of glass the voices called again, a whisper first but more yet came to bare. The roaring voice that softly screamed a song of years gone by. Behind the moon a dark so deep, a black so cold it cuts across the sky. Madness cries its twisted call to broken minds and fears, their visions seen through eyes of weeping red. Minds frayed deep, seeping bloodied ichor, born of sightless lies. No god nor man can escape from where madness lies, it lies in truth and shadowed gaze, in all things known to all. Born of pain of age it tries, of truth it cannot hide. For only the mad could live a life upon the midnight shore, where the singing moon is true as voices whispered in your ear. Only here did the tide of glass shatter upon the nameless stones, for all its truths and all its lies only here did the lightning chase the thunder across the starless moonlit skies. All is lost and darkness reigns, for the midnight shore is gone. Its blood soaked sand and moonlit whispers lost for none to see. The only sound is secrets kept and silence too deep to breath. The moon is gone and the dark is here, with nothing left but me. Blind as much as men can be, I see no lightning hear no thunder, consumed with all the rest. The silent shattering tide of glass that rolled back out to sea, no longer crash against nameless stones or soundless whispers naught. Yet now I hear a whispered song, sad and melancholy, perhaps behind the darkness the moonlit whispers cry, or maybe madness comes, and madness dies, and all is gone, and all is lost, to a dark so deep, and black so cold it devoured everything but me. I know not what I am, and know not where I go. The dark is so very quiet, the black so very cold. What am I to be now? I can't hear the songs. Why won't she sing to me? What did I do to her, to stop the song? So alone, alone, alone alone alone alone alone... [b][i]CRACK[/i][/b] Suddenly the darkness was not so dark, a single point of light in the never ending void. The light started to web out like cracks upon a window, and with a noise like gunfire the darkness shattered and disappeared, replaced with a place Maen had never seen before. A sprawling landscape lay before him, strange green hairs on the floor under him tickled his toes and unknown scents wafted to his nose. The sky was blue instead of black and confusion was written plain on his face, a word rose unbidden to his lips "Nexus" he breathed. Powers: [i]Form:[/i] His form usually just a black smoke cloud moves fast. Can change form into a physical body. In mist form can enter in bodies from mouth, ears, etc. all this allows him to do is strangle people from the inside. But this is easily stopped by magical defenses. Can change physical form slightly, has a main appearance that can change things like having claws, fangs, etc. [i]Aura of Insanity:[/i] Maen's mind is so broken that his presence shatters the minds and wills of weak willed creatures, effect of strong creatures very reduced. [i]Midnight Shore:[/i] Can call upon the Midnight Shore after it was consumed by the Dark So Deep, the Midnight Shore is the land where Maen lived. It was a small sort of pocket dimension which consisted of just the Sea of Glass, the shore and the moon. He lived there for as long as he can remember, being soothed by the songs until his bouts of madness caused his power to consume the Shore. [b]Sub Sections Of Midnight Shore:[/b] [i]Sea Of Glass:[/i][color=1a7b30] Can use the sea of glass as a weapons, millions of shards of glass available to be summoned and controlled as blades to fight. Blades can float and be used in other ways, the glass is completely silent. [/color] [i]Moonlit Whispers:[/i][color=1a7b30] Can channel the power of the moonlit whispers and song of the moon in the form of singing and music, playing on emotions and the mind. Able to soothe the darkest fears or cause the most vicious nightmares.[/color] [i]Wind:[/i][color=1a7b30] Ability to control wind, uses to fly.[/color] [i]Musical Master:[/i][color=1a7b30] Can play the lute, and flute extremely well.[/color] [i]Dark So Deep:[/i][color=1a7b30] The Dark So Deep is a power he has trouble controlling, it is essentially a formless darkness that consumes things. The power can either consume something and "destroy" it, or integrate it into himself giving him some of the powers of the thing he integrated, this is extremely slow though as it took untold years to consume the Midnight Shore. The darkness can be shaped into weapons like a sword or bow, but if his emotions are running wild then it reverts to tendril like whips that strike out at people. [/color] Weapons: [i]Lute & Flute:[/i] [color=1a7b30]Maen's only belongings, doesn't know where they came from but they appear and disappear at will. Made of glossy black wood. Can be broken and then summoned again repaired.[/color] Other: On demon faction because of his uncontrollable nature, it's the only one that seemed to fit him. Since he can't control some of his powers, in a fight demons may get injured too.