I think what made me stop doing them was when I went to do the Back to School version and wanted to do what Vilage did on the one before mine: delete all the old events and replace them with theme-fitting ones. When I went to go do that I discovered a whole world of tedium so I just sorta didn't do it. At that point I retreated from the games and let Vilage take over. Off-forum I do operate these on an irregular basis, often using existing game formats and just adding in more and more events to make an even larger clusterfuck. And I've tried to replace every single vanilla event, but I usually get tired and stop mid-way and resume my old patterns of just adding new content based on who is participating on if I know who or what the characters are. I can readily add whatever event I want for historical person, pony, politics, and a handful of movies or other shit I only seem to care about; but I don't have a readily accessible pool of knowledge for anime so I tend to just look at the images provided and write something based on that.