[center][h3]Professor Grevillia[/h3] [@ZachChase][/center] [color=yellow]"Of course"[/color], she responded. The young trainer was rather nervous it seems, or anxious. He didn't seem to notice the box she was holding. She proceeded to reach into it and hand him the Pokedex. It looked similar to the Kalosian Pokedex, and as she explained worked similarly, with the exception that it spread sideways rather than vertically. She proceeded to hand one to the girl who got bumped out earlier too before she could leave. [color=yellow]"Do you know how to use it? To make use of it, point the camera peripheral at your target, and the device will detect Pokemon the camera sees, and give you all known information. It will also update information if you find something new"[/color], she explained. These were all the basic functions that mattered most. It also takes pictures automatically when scanning Pokemon, and can give live feed of basic information. like determining how much fight a Pokemon has left in them. It seems some of the trainers in battles were making use of this function which surprised her. Most would overlook the function in favor of a more instinct oriented playstyle. [color=yellow]"Anyways, if you have further questions, you can ask me or any of the Aides"[/color]. [hr] [center][h3]Froakie/Gible VS Ghastly/Rockruff[/h3][/center] [hider=Battle] Priority order: Gastly > Froakie > Rockruff > Gible Note: This is the order should every Pokemon choose to attack first. You are allowed to stagnate your turn and go after someone who would usually go first for any strategic reason you may come to. Talonite looked at his Gastly and nodded to signal the battle's start. [color=gray]"Necro, Hypnosis on thr Gible!"[/color] Necro's eyes glowed as a ray of energy rocketed towards the Gible to try and put it ti sleep. The Gible would dodge, but he needed to keep that thing on the defense if he wanted to win. [color=steelblue]"Ren, Water Pulse on Gastly"[/color], the order was quickly executed with a brief pose as the Froakie blasted the Ghost Pokemon with an orb of water. While the Gastly was preoccupied with it's Hypnosis, he was going to take the advantage and get a first clean hit in, hopefully the attack would help out the Gible in avoiding being put to sleep. "Like Hell, I am going to let you hit a team mate, Luna! Thunder Fang on the Water Pulse." Lusitania ordered as her Puppy responded, leaping in the way of the Water Pulse. Luna's teeth crackled with electricity as she bite down on the water pulse. Effectively nullifying the attack, albiet not without cost. Luna had been glanced by the attack, Water was supereffective against Rock, so Luna was visible wincing, but standing firm as she barked. [i]'Ruff!'[/i] "Thats my girl!" Lusitania cheered. "Dragon Rage while it's distracted!" Gible quickly launched a Dragon Rage at the pup while it was still reeling from the previous attack, more than willing to risk being sleeped. Were he to knock it out quickly, the match would be 2v1, albeit with some delay on account of the sleep status. Gastlys weren't usually known for their offensive prowess, so he figured it'd be an open and shut case afterwards. The Hypnosis failed unfortunately, but on the other hand Gible had fallen directly into the trap that Hr he had been planning. [Color=Gray]"Necro, Spite the Gible!"[/color] A dark aura would surround both Gastly and Gible, with Gible suddenly feeling much more tired than usual. [color=steelblue]"Spray Bubble in the area in front"[/color], he ordered. The Froakie proceeded to fill the area between his side and the other with a wall of Bubble. Should the Rockruff try to cross, it'll be forced to take damage. With the Spite going down, another Water Pulse was likely to be met with the Rockruff again. There was nothing he could do about the Spite, but he can try and set something up. The Bubble would disappear after awhile, but the question was how long. Luna, who had just gotten back to her feet instantly knew what was coming when, Leo declared Dragon Rage, Using everything she had she dodged to the left. Wincing in pain from the sudden movement, as she was already on injuries from the water pulse. Lustania tapped her own chin in thought. "Luna. Sand Attack, As large as you can do." She said winking at her partner pokemon. They had to win this losing battle of attrition. If she could somehow equalise the score, as long as she took out one of them. Luna could rest easy. Luna used her rear paws to kick up large volumes of dirt and sand toward the otherside, obscuring herself completely, but not to break the Ghastlys line of sight with the Gible. Luna disappeared into the makeshift smokescreen, completely hidden from even the keenest of sights. She was on the clock now. Anymore hits. Any at all and she would be out of this fight. Lusitania hoped her plan worked. “Damn…” Leo swore under his breath as his attack missed. He had to admit, his opponent was tenacious. He doubted it would be much of a threat to Nado from here, but his partner’s Froakie was another story entirely. “Two can play at that game! Nado, Sand Attack on the Gastly!” Nado dug its claws into the ground and aimed dirt at the only foe it could actually see. Hypnosis’ already low accuracy would at least make the chances of either of them being put to sleep very slim. The Spite didn't seem too important, he still had a handful of uses for dragon rage, though the dex informed him that Nado had only 4 uses left. Plenty. [color=Gray]"Necro, push through and Lick him!"[/color] Necro took the accuracy down head on and tried to Lick Gible to paralyze him, or at least hurt him somewhat. Necro began blinking rapidly to try and get the sand out of its eyes and his tounge went straight for Gible's face, drool dripping off his tounge. The two Sand-Attacks going out created a dust storm, one obscuring view of the Rockruff for the short moment, the other aimed at Gastly. There was also a wall of Bubble in the middle, which Gastly was required to charge through to use Lick. Though Sand Attack did obscure vision, it didn't last as long or was as strong a hiding tool as Smokescreen. As a result, while Rockruff was gone from sight but definitely in that small blanket, the Gastly was driving through a host of attacks. And now, the Gastly was close, very close. Rockruff was still further behind the Gastly. There was no way it could get in the way now. [color=steelblue]"Ren! Water Pulse on Gastly!"[/color], the Water Pulse went out, hurtling rapidly at the Gastly that was close at hand. All this damage added up and Necro fainted the moment he was hit by the Water Pulse, tounge hanging out his mouth and swirls in his eyes as he fell to the ground. He just didn't have the strength to tank that kind of damage. [Color=Gray]"Necro, return."[/color] Talonite aimed his Pokeball at Necro and a red light enveloped the Gastly as it returned to its Pokeball. Luna's self-made sandstorm had settled and she was nowhere in sight, she had taken advantage of the Ghastly's distracting charge to move. [u]She was coming from the side of the arena on Nado and Ren's side, Thunder Fang at the ready.[/u] "Okay, Luna theres no need, I concede." Lusitania said, a hint of annoyance in her voice at the ghastly, holding her hands in the air, Luna's fangs losing the electrical glow. Her Strat had relied on the Ghastly being able to pull off a 1v1 but it just couldn't take a hit nore could it help its teammate, no point forcing Luna to faint for no real gain now. Luna padded over to Lusitania from Nado's and Ren's side, visibly battered and bruised. [/hider] [color=steelblue]"And then use- Oh"[/color], it seems the battle was over. The other side after the Gastly went down decided to forfeit the match. Ren was visibly quite proud of himself, along the lines of 'they recognized my true power and thus forfeit', striking a pose as it always does, but York had his own thoughts on why the girl called the forfeit. Considering the situation there was no need to force the battle, [color=steelblue]"Awww, too bad it was short, but it was fun"[/color], he commented. [color=steelblue]"Ah by the way, if you need to heal your Pokemon there's a healing station right over there"[/color], he pointed over to a small set of tables by the side of the PokePark, still within it. There was a healing machine there too. It appears this entire facility was made to accomodate for trainers, as it should be. Regardless with the battle now done, it looks like now would be a good time for York to finish his sign-ups, and think about where to go on his journey. He wondered where everyone here was going to go. Personally he was thinking of heading for the university first, it felt like it only made sense to go there, he wasn't sure why.