[center][img]http://rp.alexarnold.ca/indrau/indrau_p.png[/img] — Fort Daelantine Area —[/center] The Lion Knight shifted uncomfortably in his saddle, wearing a combined expression of displeseaure and boredom. It wasn't as if he didn't look forward to something interesting happening but he had always seemed to miss anything that happened closer to home and didn't require tedious amounts of travel. Riding didn't help any but pride would not let him ride in the back of a cart like an invalid. He stood on the stirrups, stretching his leg and getting a look at the road ahead. After a moment he eased back down and loosened his blade in its scabbard, exposing several inches of naked steel. At least the journey was at an end, one way or another. "I would think the we should have come across a patrol by now, even noticed one in the distance." His voice ran with confidence but Indraus expression became uneasy.