[hider=Nanashi Yaraiko] [center][h1]Nanashi Yaraiko[/h1] ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— ————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— [h3]Personalia[/h3] [sub]Information collected by the census office of Konohagakure[/sub] [i]Divine punishment will strike the sinful[/i][/center] [indent]| Birthname: | [indent][i]Nanashi, Yako[/i][/indent] | Nicknames: | [indent][i] Lightning Yako[/i][/indent] | Alias: | [indent][i]Z3U5[/i][/indent] | Sex: | [indent][i]Male[/i][/indent] | Age: | [indent][i]19[/i][/indent] | Birthplace: | [indent][i]Kirigakure[/i][/indent] | Bloodline: | [indent][i] Eradicated during the civil wars that took place in the Land of Water[/i][/indent] | Rank: | [indent][i]Chuunin[/i][/indent] [/indent] [center]————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— [h3]Psychology & History[/h3] [sub]From detailed inspection and investigation by ANBU and medical personnel[/sub] [i]“Another character quote”[/i][/center] [indent]| Personal biography: | [indent][i] Originating from the Village Hidden in the Mist, he has traveled a great deal before ending up in Konohagakure. His clan was eradicated during the civil wars that plagued Kirigakure years ago. All the files pertaining information on the clan were destroyed in an attempt to cover the massacre. They made it so the clan never existed, effectively making future trials about the matter null. Only 2 members of the clan survived, a young boy and the one who helped comit the genocide. Seemingly he couldn't kill the boy and took him along when escaping from the Land of Water. They made for the Land of Lightning and that's when The Winter started, the boy only being 7 at the time. During his stay there he was taught taijutsu, jutsu and the basis of recognizing and dispelling genjutsu. 3 years passed and The Winter only got worst. Even though they were in a "warm land" the effects weren't any less. With his teacher at his side, the same one who killed his clan but the boy didn't know anything at the time, they started stealing and murdering for food and profit. Within less than a month they were in the bingo book. And if that wasnt enough, during their bandit rampage they murdered a famous blacksmith who was transporting a unique sword to a collector. This ordeal raised their rank on the book quite a few numbers. A week later the teacher was killed by a group of mercenaries. With his last breath he told the boy about his crime, how he helped massacre his whole clan. Filled with grief and rage he took it all out on the mercenaries which in turn knocked him unconscious. The leader of the group was a young girl, aged 23, with exceptional skills in lightning manipulation. Her nickname was "The Lightning Tiger" coming from her method of fighting, with 2 claw weapons infused in lightning. As the boy wasn't in the bingo book they didn't kill him but rather took interest on him and let him join the group. The decision was taken by the leader, the fighting abilities he showed played a big part in that decision. For 7 years after that he stayed with the group and partook in different missions. During that time the leader took it upon herself to teach him taijutsu, and upon learning his affinity for lightning, even lightning manipulation. As The Winter finally passed, they started doing jobs that led them outside the territories of the Land of Lightning. Not a week after, an assassin from the Land of Water attempted to kill the boy. The assassination was a fail but another member of the group was killed instead. Grief overtook him and an old feeling of anger was reignited. As the band of mercenaries had become a family to him, he wouldn't let them get hurt because of him. Ignoring the insistence of the group that he stay, the decision was already made in his mind. The leader, knowing him better than anyone, accepted his way and gave her consent. Saying his last goodbyes the boy made for the Land of Fire, destination Konohagakure. He arrived as a freelancing mercenary, taking all jobs that payed good, no matter what it was. 2 more assassination attempts were made on his life, 2 near death experiences he lived through, 2 assailants he triumphed over. Gathering enough money to buy his stay on the village, the first thing he did was to partake in the genin test. Needless to say he passed. Later that same year he joined the chuunin exams. It was a close call when one of his teammates was almost disqualified but he passed nonetheless. Now 19 years of age, no more assassinations have been attempted on his life, academy and personal life don't have anything special, though he has been following the events in Kirigakure closely... [/i][/indent] | Family biography: | [indent][i]After both parents died doing what they loved most, the boy was taken in by an elderly couple who lived in Konoha whose son had died the previous year during the end of the winter.[/i][/indent] | Family ties: | [indent][i] Sokuzo Sakazanani | Otōsan | 69, second circle of hell, worked in a food distribution center during the winter, sold by money of course and he took as much as he gave as he was dedicated to achieving mutual pleasure. Tsuchiko Tsuchigafuchi | Haha | 57, second circle of hell, she died in mission as a missionary. [/i][/indent] | Dreams and fears: | [indent][i]His goal is to murder, the head of the clan who executed the plan to kill all his clan members, all those who partook in it and especially the one responsible for effectively covering up the ordeal. It isn't just revenge, it is divine retribution soon to come with a flash from the heavens. The one thing he doesn't want to happen, is dying before witnessing the divine judgment that is to befall the sinners. [/i][/indent][/indent] [center]————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— [h3]Combat Reports[/h3] [sub] Yaraiko is adept at using sequential combinations of attack to tire the opponent down or lead him to make a move which which gives Yaraiko the opening he needs to end the match. Never underestimates an opponent, using only a defensive counterattacking stance at first, seemingly analyzing his opponent's moves while getting in a few hits, then, after planning ahead, initiates his attack with certain victory. [/sub] [i]“You are a waste of time”[/i][/center] [indent]| Fighting style: | [indent][i] He fights using surprise attacks with decisive blows in an attempt to finish it before getting started. If the fighting gets started, he uses evasive and defensive maneuvers until he sees an opening to counterattack. Distraction is also a key element in his tactic, and in 99% of every tactic. His star method of killing an enemy is to make them think the fight is over, only to finish them when they least expected. Finishing it after it has ended. [/i][/indent] | Kekkei genkai - bloodline limit: | [indent][u]Kekkei genkai name[/u] [indent] [/indent] [u]Description[/u] [indent]The ability marks the target, raising it's electricity absorption and conduction level. All electrical attacks aimed at the target deal considerably more damage, gain additional range to reach the target and have the speed of real lightning. As a side effect the target has a static field around him. More than 2 targets can be marked at a time and the user decides on which one is the primary focus for his lightning attacks.[/indent] [u]Strengths[/u] [indent]This ability considerably weakens the target to lightning damage. Another crucial point is that it can also be used on objects or on a point in the ground/air but only making them absorption points for electricity, increasing reach and speed towards the object.[/indent] [u]Weaknesses[/u] [indent]Use something to drain the electricity.[/indent][/indent][/indent] [indent]| Ninja techniques: | [sub][url=naruto.wikia.com/wiki/Narutopedia]Jutsu names can be found here.[/url][/sub] [indent][u]A rank techniques[/u] [indent][url=narutopedialink]Name no jutsu here.[/url][/indent] [u]B rank techniques[/u] [indent][url=narutopedialink]Name no jutsu here.[/url][/indent] [u]C rank techniques[/u] [indent][url=narutopedialink]Name no jutsu here.[/url][/indent] [u]D rank techniques[/u] [indent][url=narutopedialink]Name no jutsu here.[/url][/indent] [u]E rank techniques[/u] [indent][url=narutopedialink]Name no jutsu here.[/url][/indent][/indent] | Custom techniques: | [indent][u]Jutsu name[/u] [indent]The name of your custom jutsu. Be creative![/indent] [u]Rank[/u] [indent]What rank you'd place it at.[/indent] [u]Range[/u] [indent]How far does it reach - can be precise, or guesstimate.[/indent] [u]Description[/u] [indent]Describe the jutsu, how it works and what it looks like. Explain potential damage that can be done with it, and describe the weaknesses and strength of the jutsu. Be as clear as you can.[/indent] Repeat this form as many times as you need.[/indent][/indent] | Weapons: | [u]Weapon name[/u] [indent][hider=Lightning Eater][img]http://vignette3.wikia.nocookie.net/dungeon-ni-deai-o-motomeru/images/1/14/Hestia_Knife.png/revision/latest?cb=20150601005234[/img][/hider][/indent] [u]Weapon, tool, or object type[/u] [indent] Short Sword[/indent] [u]Description[/u] [indent]Unique runes are engraved in it to make the sword only usable by it's owner and because of the connection between the owner and the sword, the owner always knows where the sword is. The metal used to build the sword conducts chakra and has an additional very strong electricity absorption effect.[/indent] [indent][u]Weapon name[/u] [indent]Thunder Striker[/indent] [u]Weapon, tool, or object type[/u] [indent]Foldable Black Recurve Bow and a Quiver with metallic arrows[/indent] [u]Description[/u] [indent]The arrows are black, bareshaft and with broadhead tips. The arrows are placed in the quiver which stays on his back and can be locked so as to prevent the arrows from slipping out.[/indent] [/indent] [/hider]