Tyaethe rode at the head of the group, alongside Fanilly, and drummed her fingers against the sword in thought. The resulting metallic staccato was slightly grating but, with the large knight on an even larger horse, after a week of being fully armoured once again Tyaethe hoped that her normally intimidating visage had been restored. The deep red of today's scarf might help. "Indrau is right that we should have expected a patrol. With how desperately the message was sent and how close we are to the capital, I would have thought the enemy would be keeping more of a watch for assistance, [i]especially[/i] after a messenger broke through them," the paladin said, "That we haven't makes me think that we're too late or the enemy got inside and have the defensible position." Typically, she seemed irritated by their enemy doing [i]either[/i] rather than being right there to fight properly.