Callie gave an almost sly smile before saying [color=fff200]"about three seconds after you turned around in that coffee shop. It wasn't really anything...a quick flash, a sense of was a little overwhelming the whole thing...but""[/color] she gave a shrug, pausing a moment. She smiled sweetly, sitting on the bed, [color=fff200]"It's hard to's not an exact science...but I know you won't hurt me"[/color] she really could explain things better then that. Visions weren't easy...the couple she had had were often confusing...and she didn't want to screw up. Not in this, at least. [color=fff200]"if I can trust you, believe in you, why can't you trust yourself? [/color] she asked softly, not looking away from him, [color=fff200]"or at least believe me when I say that you won't hurt me?"[/color][@Kyrisse]