With glass in hand, he heard Abigail's order and was about to deliver on it as soon as he gulped down his. Tilting his head backwards, the glass edge 2mm from his lips...POOF, he disappeared. What alarmed him first was the feeling, suddenly everything got more real in contrast to the kind of mind numbness you feel as a spirit. Looking in front of him, the gangster Redd was starting to aim for Jonathan. Fuck.. *BAM* Before he pulled the trigger Jonathan had already rushed for the mafiosi with a leap to his right, cane already in a swinging motion with his right hand and his left arm against his chest. *BAM* The shot pierced his shoulder. With an angry scream and [s]luck[/s] superb aiming skills he hit the pistol's barrel with the handle of his cane, making the next shot miss. The was pistol still in the gangster's hand but out of position as he was gripping it awkwardly, finger not in the trigger. Taking this small opening while Redd rushed to fix his grip and aim to shoot again, Jonathan performed a quick and powerful upper swing with the handle of his cane right towards his nuts. His pistol was the fourth thing to drop, after his voice and balls. The man dropped to his knees while holding his abdomen with both hands. An out of breath groan escaped his lips as he doubled over and threw up. Then he turned towards his gun and attempted to reach it, something easily prevented by a goal scoring head kick from Jonathan. Well you had to give the man some credit, most would be unconscious by now but he was already making for the gun. Well even if he got it, Jonathan doubted that he would be shooting anything but blanks from now on. Pressing the end of his cane atop his chest where the left lung would be, he rotated the handle *click* and then another shot was heard, this one muffled from the body. Now he was left squirming on the ground, not much moving, probably a broken neck ,skull fractures and pierced lungs. Pain still pulsing from his shoulder, fueling his rage more and more he proceeded to unleash it on the broken body before him. "YOU..*kick*..FUCKING..*kick*..CUNT..*presses the cane on his abdomen*. YOU DARE SHOOT ME?"- he yells as he gives another powerful kick. Finally calming himself, more or less, he got atop the unfortunate soul and gave one last punch to his face. One last punch to seal the deal.