[center][h2][url=http://i352.photobucket.com/albums/r336/1919Enternal/Character%20Pictures/Glaceon.full.1570574_zps8e65qnyn.jpg]Lucifina - "Lucy"[/url][/h2]- Professor Grevillia [/center] [center][@Sho Minazuki][/center] [color=9e0b0f][b]"Thank You,"[/b][/color] she beamed when she received the pokedex. With this, all her and Zap (Elekid) needs to do is sign up for the Chromis League and they're all set to start their adventure. Turning around to leave, [color=9e0b0f][b]"Come on Z-"[/b][/color] a large growl was came from her stomach causing her to freeze. In attempt to pass it off on someone else, she glanced at Zap. Zap, sensing her intentions, returned the look, basically saying [i]'Don't even think about it'[/i]. It was the kind of look that meant if she did try to pass the growl onto him, he'll return the favor in kind. After all, that's what she'd do if in reverse. With a nervous laugh, she turned back towards the professor and asked if there was somewhere her and Zap could get something to eat. It's what she gets for not bothering to eat or prepare a meal ahead of time before leaving the house, despite protests from her parents.