[center][h2][color=39b54a]Juana Perez[/color][/h2] -[u]Feyhollow Town[/u]-[/center] [hr] Juana looked down at Archie and grinned. "Looks like I won't have to worry about freezing out there," she joked. Juana entered the Poké Mart, as the signature jingle played through the speakers. She found it a little humorously jarring that such a mystical fairyland still had your standard convenience store. "Hmm... let's see..." she mumbled to herself, sorting through the items in the shelves. Oddly enough she couldn't find any medicines; must be pretty hard to come by for such a town. She managed to find some natural products, including peppermint oil. She grabbed that, in addition to three Poké Balls, a Potion, and a Rare Candy. At the checkout, she also nabbed a tin of Curiously Strong Mints. Just for kicks. Stuffing the items into one of her pouches, Juana grinned down at Archie. "It's practically 3 in the morning right now; I'm [i]so[/i] not waking up early tomorrow," she laughed. Bounsweet's sepals jiggled as Juana returned to the Center with her groceries. Thankfully none of them had run into any fairy troubles, though Juana did accidentally goosh a Cutiefly (the dazed bug Pokémon simply left with an annoyed huff). Juana opened the doors and sat next to Tora. "Quick market run, eh?" she asked, jabbing Tora lightly in the side. She pulled out one of the Poké Balls and set it in front of Tora. "That's for the one you lent me for Dewpider. Thanks again for that, by the way." Juana gave Tora a wink, before letting out a yawn. "Iiiii'm probably going to have to get at least a [i]little[/i] sleep tonight," she joked, jabbing at the window. Already the darkness was greying out, signaling the coming of the sunlight, and the retreat of the dancing Morelulls into the dark undergrowth. "Don't worry, I'll wake up myself! But for now, ¡buenas noches, amiga¡" Juana graciously took her key and skipped into the room assigned to her. Then she flopped face first onto the bed without taking her shoes off and started snoring like a truck. Bounsweet stared at her with a blank expression, before snuggling up next to the tanned girl and falling asleep as well. ~~~~ [i]The next morning...[/i] Bounsweet was jumping up and down on Juana's back. It didn't take long for Juana to flip completely around and grab Bounsweet out of the air. "You never gonna run out of energy, huh?" she laughed. "You're practically made of carbohydrates." Juana glanced over at the bag of stuff she had bought, and walked over to the small desk in the room, rubbing her eyes and yawning. She blinked; the daylight was pretty glaring, especially for daylight that was streaming through layers upon layers of deciduous foliage. Juana dumped a few berries she had brought along as potential ingredients and produced the peppermint oil. She worked for about an hour and a half, mixing here, pounding there, occasionally asking Dewpider to squeeze out a Bubble or two, and eventually she came out with a batch of (what she hoped was) throat drops. "OK," she said, grabbing a small bag with a drawstring and dumping the throat drops into it. Juana kicked open the door, startling a couple of other patrons, before sliding down the banister (the nurse yelled at her) and making her way out the door. "I have had two hours of sleep and I am [i]totally[/i] going to fall over! Bring it on, day!" she said, pointing to the sky. Bounsweet warbled in assent. Eventually, Juana found Tora and presented her with the sack of drops. "Might help with that throat irritation, amiga," Juana said, handing Tora the bag. [hider=Notes] -TP: Post +1, Sunrise Bonus +3 HHG bonus +1; purchase of 3 Poké Balls, 1 Potion, 1 Rare Candy -25; total: 13 -CP: CP +1. Total: 12 -Inventory Additions: Poké Ball x3, Potion x1, Rare Candy x1 -Inventory Subtractions: Poké Ball x1 (given to Tora Azure) -Levelups: --Bounsweet (Lv3 -> Lv4) --Corphish (Lv2 -> Lv3) --Dewpider (Lv2 -> Lv3) -Continued interaction with [@Silver Fox]'s character Tora. [@Balthazar007] [/hider]