Smokey was out in the freezing cold, she was finishing up her latest piece, it was her well known symbol, she smiled as she did the final touches. "There we are, lovely" Smokey loved tagging new walls, pulling away her bright pink and green cat mask, she has tagged almost every ally and even some buildings ever since she came to England. Smokeys hands were freezing as she rubbed them together "Merde, il fait si froid, je préfère rentrer à la maison maintenant ou je vais mourir de froid". ([color=ec008c]Shit it's so cold, I'd rather go home now or I'll die because of the cold[/color]) When smokey arrived home she looked at the dedsec card, "Je ne peux pas attendre pour finalement être un vrai membre, j'espère juste que je suis le seul..." ([color=ec008c]I can't wait to finally be a real member, I just hope i'm the only one...[/color]) Smokey sighed as she put the card down and got changed in a comfortable short sleeve white shirt and some purple fluffy pants. "Let's get to work" smokey said with a smirk as she sat down at her monitors After a few hours of typing, clicking and crying, Smokey made around 1,000 bucks and got some valuable info, smokey sighed as she looked at her monitor with a sigh, smokey was tired after working all day, she slowly got up and layed on her bed, she pulled up wattpad on her phone, read some lemons and then fell asleep.