[@LuckyBlackCat][@Lugubrious] Tommy and Amica had spent the better part of the night searching for Cici, starting from near the forest's edge and heading deeper in. Anytime they saw a Pokemon, Amica would ask if they had seen the missing girl, but those who didn't run scared at the sight of a trainer owned Pokemon hadn't. The duo eventually had to stop and get their bearings after a few hours, but after about a ten minute rest, went back to it. "Cici!" Tommy called, hoping his friend would hear him and answer, but it was to no avail. As the sun began to rise, Tommy and Amica stood in a clearing, both exhausted from the lack of sleep. Yawning, the young trumpet player turned to his Froakie with the unspoken question and she shook her head. "Well that's great...let's hope that she found her way back while we were out here..." Turning, Tommy started towards where he thought town was after returning Amica to her pokeball so she could rest up. As he walked, he pondered on whether or not he'd over reacted when he heard that trainers had disappeared out here and not come back. He knew Cici well enough by now to know she could take care of herself, but it was no secret that Fairy Pokemon were dangerous in their own right. As he stumbled along through the woods, he came across another clearing and took a moment to look up. In front of him was his friend who seemed to have just gotten over something, or potentially coming down with it, and the nice girl turned attitudinal fighter, who also had looked better. Putting what was left of his energy into a short run, he ran up to the pair, helping steady Cici and turning to the other girl. "You guys both look like you've had better days. What happened?" [hr] [hider=Notes] TP: 21+1=22 CP: 15+1=16[/hider]