[center][color=red][h3]Akai "Little Red"[/h3] [hider=Ref][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/C9UmgmC.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [i]Location: Crocus, in town Interactions: Cody [@lunarlors34] [/i][/color][/center] It was strange how Akai had similar senses to the very beasts she controls. Heightened senses such as sight and smell... and a very acute inclination to emotions. The very things she hated Akai was most perceptible to in that ironic way, and this elevated sensory led her to the conclusion that a certain little teen was already in a weak state of mind. Originally, Akai had only planned to mosey around the little flowery town and cause more mayhem and mischief, to destroy relationships left and right like usual, when her red hooded self had flowed past a red headed teen. [i][color=red]Such... delicious anger. Jealousy, what wicked emotion... this should be fun.[/color][/i] Making sure to put a decent distance between herself and Cody, the hooded figure trailed after him with a hidden, evil grin on her small coral lips. Soon the boy had cornered himself, he had found his way away from society and into a dark little alley. Too bad dark little allies was where Akai, the bringer of hatred, liked to make herself home. [color=red]"Poor, poor little boy..."[/color] The voice rang out clearly like silk, dark and intoxicatingly sweet and calming. [color=red]"Did someone break your heart? A girl...? Or maybe someone took your little love away from you...?"[/color] A slight tease had entered the syllables as she gave a little giggle. Up until now, Akai had been hidden in the gloom of the cold alley. Now the figure stepped further into the light, her black and white dress swishing about her thighs. [color=red]"If only you could pay them back, the ones who hurt you... But alas, there is nothing."[/color] Akai lifted her pale hands to brush the hood from her head, revealing her soft and deceptively innocent face underneath. [color=red]"Of course, you could use my way..."[/color]