Across from Robert sat Sho stalwart as always his eyes closed, and his breathing calm and easy as if this whole thing was nothing more than a lunch date for him. He had ordered a few of his other officers to leave for a moment before Robert had come. They needed to finalize some information gathered for him for this specific mission. Before Sho sat a kettle with some tea in it and some small round cups to pour the tea into. Sho slowly reached over and poured some of it for himself before placing the kettle down. He grabbed the cup and sipped it but not before bowing his head and thanking the god Bishamonten for his good luck, past and present. Many had forgotten the ways of the Samurai, but not Sho. No he stayed to the old ways and he would do so until and after he died. He had never wondered if the gods would judge him worthy of a good afterlife as it was none of Sho Kurasaki's worry. What would be done would be done and nothing less. However as he sat on his mat at the head of the table he couldn't help but sense something from that boy, Robert if he remembered correctly, and he knew the feelings emanating from his body language. It was something he had seen many times over. [color=f7941d]"You may speak freely Engineer. I may be your commanding officer. However if you yourself are nervous then do not be. Everyone here has their place. If not they wouldn't be here that is the simple truth. Perhaps my words mean nothing to you if that is the case then I do not mind."[/color] Sho said as he slowly opened his black eyes at Robert and placed down his cup. [color=f7941d]"We have a saying here in Japan. 'New eras don't come about because of swords, they're created by the people who wield them.'; do not focus too much on yourself view the whole world as a whole and perhaps you may find some peace in your place."[/color] Sho said simply and calmly with not hint of malice, or disrespect in his voice.