[u][center][h2]Marianne Delacroix & Sir Ricard[/h2][/center][/u] [center][img]http://i.imgur.com/Jr0Uu63.png?1[/img][/center] Marianne's horse struggled to maintain its position near the front of their formation. Not due to any injury, but out of [i]fear.[/i] As it warily trotted along, Sir Ricard was more than what was comfortably close to it's body. Instinct allowed the steed knowledge that this giant creature that eclipsed it in nearly all aspects could easily make it its breakfast or snack. No matter how much Marianne soothed it with sweet whispers and gentle caresses, it could not calm down enough to break up its pace and gait to keep a steady speed with the others in the formation of Iron Roses. Periodically, the horse nervously turned its head away to glance side-long at the massive wolf. As if it needed to know Ricard's actions and movements at any given time so that it may possibly have a chance at living should Ricard decide to attack it. It knew not of Ricard's deep relationship with its rider and master. It cared not. Marianne made a face, frowning as she ceased her patting and petting her horse's side. She could detect its fear and sighed quietly, knowing there wasn't much she could do about it. She just hoped that Ricard wouldn't startle it and cause it to buck her off before fleeing from her canine companion. Quiet, as usual, Marianne kept an attentive eye on the horizon and had her ears open to the conversation being held by her fellow knights. Taking a brief moment to take account of the other knights of their order that she had never seen before or spoken to. It was quite interesting, seeing new faces every day. She really had to speak with the dearest Captain and find out just exactly how large was their order. She was under the impression that they were much smaller than most typical armies. Turning to Sir Ricard, she reached out and gently patted his fur to get his attention. His eyes and snout looking every which way constantly to ensure that the other knights kept their distance from his beloved Delacroix duchess. Feeling her touch, his ears perked up and he turned his head just enough to make eye contact one of his eyes. Having gotten his attention, she quietly spoke to him. [b]"Sir Ricard, do you detect anything up ahead? What do your senses tell you?"[/b] Turning away from her, he raised his snout to the winds and sniffed deeply at whatever scents he could pick up. His ears swiveled as he turned his head this way and that. Eyes scanning from the left most to the right most boundaries of his vision of the distant lands. Nothing. Either they were too far away for him to pick up anything. Or it was all of the other disgustingly odorous Iron Roses that surrounded him and suffocated his senses. He would've preferred the others gave them more space, but he knew the reasoning of their formation. To him, they were moving and hunting as a pack, which he could completely understand. But most importantly, Marianne was safer within the group to a certain extent. Turning his head towards Marianne to catch her in his eye, Ricard softly huffed. 'Voicing' that he could not perceive any thing as of yet. Marianne made a worried frown, but then smiled. Reaching and leaning forward, she ruffled his fur and scratched behind his ear. [b]"Thank you, Ricard. Keep on the alert and at first notice of danger, let us know."[/b] It wasn't needed to be said, but might as well state the obvious. Even still, Ricard bowed his head slightly as if nodding and resumed his watch. Marianne and Ricard both thought to possibly have the giant direwolf scout ahead. But with this not being the snowy forests of Barukstaed, that wasn't quite feasible. No matter how swiftly or silently he could move for his size, the problem was simply that. His size. As large as he was, and as brightly as he and his fur stood out, him scouting ahead may cause far more issues for the Iron Roses than he could help. Besides, that would mean leaving Marianne's side. And he was always hesitant to ever do such a thing. As much as it would be welcome to escape the reeking stench of other humans behind. He was here for his beloved Duchess and nothing else. He merely wanted to see her in action, and ensure that her current mission went well. For her to return unharmed. Nothing more, nothing less, though he wouldn't be making this a habit. As much as Ricard would love to.