[h2][center]Kumozaki Keisuke[/center][/h2] [i]"Huh. I didn't expect this mess to devolve as fast as it did, to be honest. Two broken tables and at least one of them flipped was the minimum I was expecting,"[/i] Keisuke responded to Atalanta, glancing offhandedly at the Berserker who was fuming in rage before sighing and shaking his head. [i]"Maybe we'll find more reliable allies when the time comes. In regards to your question, though... I don't believe were were told anything more than 'meet on the bottom floor'. I assume that once everyone has arrived, though, the Wizard Marshal will debrief us all at once. I would assume the lack of concrete information about whatever incidents are at hand is just magi being secretive, as always, though, so I'm sorry to say that I have as much a clue as you do as to what we shall be hunting."[/i] With that said, Keisuke silently dropped off his now-empty tray of food off at the collection area before slipping out of the room, trying his best to not gain any unwarranted attention. Trial by fire it was, then. Though he himself hadn't made any attempt at interacting with the other Masters, the mission ahead would probably tell him what he needed to know about them. For the moment, at least. Walking over to the nearest elevator, Keisuke pressed the button and waited for the doors to open. Probably wouldn't take too long, assuming that the people working on the other levels weren't jumping up and down with them right now trying to prepare everything. [@KoL] [hr][h2][center]Sakata Kintoki[/center][/h2] Kintoki's wide grin very quickly became a slight frown as Sinfjotli accused him of cheating. That was... Not golden at all, man. How could a GOLDEN guy like him cheat in the first place, anyhow? It wasn't like him. ... Poisoning sake didn't count. People's lives were at stake there, y'know! "Oi, oi, calm down there--" he began to say before being cut off by both his Master and his opponent's Master intervening in the current situation. He appreciated the help, and though the other Master's remarks about not knowing if he was cheating or not stung a bit, he was at least thankful that it wouldn't lead to any more angry shouting. He was a tad disappointed about the catgirl Servant leaving, but if he was in her place, he'd probably have done the same. Well, either that or he'd have intervened more. Quite frankly, Kintoki wasn't entirely sure if it'd have caused more problems than it would've solved, but that was probably something he wouldn't have to worry about. Probably. That train of thought lasted all of five seconds before a new Servant asked to try his strength against him. Kintoki was about to accept before he realized that his Master had decimated the table in front of him (he had been too focused to her somewhat familiar rage to notice in the first place). Shrugging his shoulders, Kintoki reached over and dragged another empty table over in front of himself before propping his arm up on the table. "Let's go." [@Beloss][@ShadowKingman][@Raineh Daze][@Flamelord]