[center][h2][color=39b54a]Juana Perez[/color][/h2] -[u]Feyhollow Town[/u]-[/center] [hr] "Oh, no problem; it's a cough-drop recipe my parents picked up back in Unova," Juana replied. "From someone who had gotten it from Alola, who had gotten it from some region to the north of Kalos..." She stopped trailing off when Tora said Archie was missing. "Archie? No... did your Growlithe run off?" Juana asked, tilting her head. "¡Ay, caramba! I hope she didn't scamper off too far!" Juana turned around and looked for the fire-type Pokémon. She turned back towards Tora and scratched her head. "...No sign of the pup 'round town, it seems..." Bounsweet, however, had noticed in the loamy earth cloven hoofprints superimposed with the pawprints of a small animal. Bounsweet whistled and jabbed towards the tracks with its sepal. Juana rolled her eyes. "Well, duh," she said, kneeling to get a better look at those tracks. "Shoot, looks like she [i]did[/i] get off to the forest, if those tracks are anything to go by," Juana remarked, standing back up and turning towards Tora. "Thankfully, it's broad daylight, so I bet none of the creepy kind of fairies that like to lure people into the dark woods at night are out and about. Nothing but Cutieflies from what I'm seeing. Though you never know..." She looked at one of her empty Poké Balls. She then looked back up. "We should probably look for Archie. Let's follow those pawprints. 'Think she was chasing a Skiddo, or a Gogoat, or something. Probably a Skiddo, yeah." Juana and Bounsweet followed Archie's and the Skiddo's footprints. Juana was a bit wary, however; multiple people have said some pretty scary things about Morelull. [i]Arceus mio, ¿por qué las cosas lindas son mas peligrosas?[/i] she thought, letting out a sigh. "¿Donde está...?" she mumbled, scanning the brush. She saw some of the bushes rustle, but it wasn't Archie; it was just a couple of Yungooses running across the path, followed by a Gumshoos, who was examining the tracks like a private eye would. It lost interest when it determined that Growlithe and Arcanine were in the higher echelons of the food chain. Gumshoos left. Juana turned to Tora. "Hm. Well, Archie can't have gone [i]too[/i] far, since a Pokémon that can run that quickly, that is the one she was chasing, probably prefers wider, more open spaces?" Juana scratched her head. [hider=Notes] -TP: Post +1 HHG bonus +1; total: 15 -CP: CP +1. Total: 13 -Continued interaction with [@Silver Fox]'s character Tora. [hider=Party Status] Bounsweet: Lv 4, healthy Corphish: Lv 3, healthy Dewpider: Lv 3, healthy [/hider] [hider=Inventory] -Poké Ball x2 -Rare Candy x1 -Potion x1 [/hider] [/hider]