[center][img]http://www.fandompost.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Berserk-Guts.jpg[/img][/center] [center][h1]Dreadlock, Guardian, Savant, Hooded Ninja & Aya[/h1][/center] [center][h2]City T[/h2][/center] [center][@Emuxe][@Melkor][@Oblivion666][@NubianLegend][/center] As they approached, he caught wind of Dreadlock's words and nodded to himself before glancing ahead to Savant. [color=a0410d]"Savant come with me for a moment, I want to hear what Dreadlock's come up with.[/color] He leapt onto a building nearby, far enough to stay safe but close enough to keep watch over Aya and the Ninja. As he observed the fight ensuing below, he held within his grasp Bjorn, ready to strike at a moments notice but that did not keep him from not listening. One thing that Allister excelled at was situational awareness and currently he was aware that the situation was still fairly under control. He glanced over to Dreadlock with hard eyes before looking back down to the battle below. His eyes did not hold any negativity, he was in his zone, concentrating on both what she had to say, what he was planning, and what was happening below, all the while wondering if everyone had gotten out of City T safely. [color=a0410d]"So Dreadlock you have an idea? Let's hear it."[/color] He turned his direction back towards the fight below. [color=a0410d][i]'Wonder how Angel Grace is doing.[/i][/color] [hr][hr] [center][h2][i]SafeZone: Citizen EVAC Dome[/i][/h2][/center] Chaos was the only word that could describe the dome's inner sanctuary at the moment. Many were crying or screaming in pain from broken bones, cuts, missing limbs or worse...The lost of a loved one...or ones. Nurses had started to run low on medical supplies due to the amount of injuries and blood loss. Thankfully the Sisters of Grace had arrived, carrying duffle bags and bags of supplies. After the amount of times that these cities have been attacked, they had felt the need to prepare for future events. Luckily they had as a nurse stood there for a moment and cried out of joy. "There there, child. Do not cry. Much work must be done." The old nun that joked with Allister, Sister Agatha, comforted the young nurse as she turned to the other sisters and nodded a silent command to begin helping the other medical staff. No more than fifteen minutes later, Angel Grace had made her appearance, to which each nun politely bowed. Not only did the Dome receive more medical supplies and food, they now were protected by an Angel, Angel Grace. [hr] [hr] [center][h2]Earlier Elsewhere[/h2][/center] [center][youtube]https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b11-37Me_a4[/youtube][/center] [i]Clink shik shik clank shik clank shik[/i] Angel Grace flew overhead of about 400 men in armor of silver, blue and gold. In front, Father Michael, known more commonly as Paladin, an A rank hero, adorn his signature [url=http://www.wallpaperup.com/uploads/wallpapers/2013/06/10/100473/ec41bbc8e6403f0791dcd7a00801dea9.jpg]armor.[/url] Behind him, in the middle and the back of the 400 man column, two men were assigned the honor of carrying [url=http://images.clipartpanda.com/sword-and-shield-symbol-grunge-shield-cross-flory-lions-sword-9612720.jpg] the banner of their order, Dues Vult.[/url] Father Michael's eyes were hardened and held a gaze of steel as he looked ahead. It was the same look that Allister carried into battle. "Paladin" Grace called down to the leader who looked up. "I am going to make my way to the Dome to check on everyone. I trust that you can handle this?" Paladin answered with an audible yes before watching her fly off. "Paladin, sir." Deacon Wallace spoke up next to him. Father glanced over. "What's our orders sir?" Father sighed. "The nuns of Mother Grace are tending to the wounded and weak...We will do something similar..." The deacon gave a light nod. "While they treat them...We will defend them..." And that simple comment held the command that each soldier heard and so they marched onward, ready to face whatever was to come.