[hider=Vauldis] [hider=Image] [img]http://i.imgur.com/iHVdeQR.jpg[/img] [/hider] Name: Vauldis Fuerlihber Gender: Male Age:25 Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual Species: Tundra Wolf Personality:Polite,clever,a tad crazy, stingy but has his moments of generosity Bio: Vauldis was born into a wealthy family but, due to issues between his parents, was sent to live with his strict auntie and uncle for most of his childhood. While not terrible, they were not the ideal guardians. At the age of 18 they insisted on him joining the military,although he quickly went AWOL and left the military in favor of mercenary work for a few years. After amassing a fair amount of wealth form his work, Vauldis retired and invested a large amount of his wealth into businesses,which supplied him with a steady income. He used this wealth to buy himself a exquisite penthouse in the city, just above one of the many bars he happened to invest in. Although the wolf tends to keep to himself in his penthouse, the cherry blossom festival occurring in the city has peaked his interest; and he has every intention of enjoying the festival when it arrives [/hider]