William flicked through the pages of his book, largely unconcerned by the events going on inside the clubhouse. It was fairly standard affair, after all, and he didn't really want to get involved. He wasn't yet as comfortable with his companions as he would be in an ideal situation, or rather, he wasn't as comfortable with them as he was with his old companions when he was alive. William turned to the next page before grabbing for his drink on the coffee table next to him. His fingers hovered briefly above his gas mask, before he grabbed his drink. He sipped at it as he continued reading. William wasn't sure if spirits exactly needed to eat or drink, but Jervis's drinks tasted good, so he didn't mind the details so much. He made a mean coffee and William was in the habit of drinking a cup every morning, regardless of the logistics of it all. This was his second cup today, and it wasn't exactly getting worse. He turned to the next page. It was a book on electronic locks and digital security systems. The world had changed rapidly after his death and he wanted to be up to date. Or rather, he needed to be. They were the Deadly 8, after all. They were the best in the business, they couldn't wait for the world to catch up to them. The forceful ways of people like Nicholas and Jonathan would always remain effective but the skills that William was required to exhibit would be forced to change with the times. William was nowhere near the most active of the Deadly 8, but he still needed to pull his weight. William glanced up as Jonathan disappeared in a crash of glass, replaced by Nicholas's damaged form. He watched idly as his compatriot unloaded his characteristic cruelty. He envied Jonathan's athleticism, how easily his body flowed from one move to the next, the power and confidence that belied his violent actions. It was a world he would never be able to reach with his frail body. Nevertheless, there were things only he could do. One day, his turn would come. William drained his cup and set it down quietly. Averting his gaze from Jonathan's scenes of violence, he continued reading.