[h1]Himiko[/h1] [@Lonewolf685][@KoL][@ADamnFiddle] Saving up her words, Himiko simply smiled in a polite manner towards Seyrun as she greeted her and her Master, and as she was trying to communicate with Ravel, Himiko's attention went towards Tamamo, who was seemingly also summoned into the same class as her. She noticed that Seyrun was not acting in a way that would suggest she was fully openly accepting the two to be around. While polite, her greeting wasn't necessarily indicating that she would simply accept Himiko and Ravel as an acquaintance, let alone a close ally. A sense of being wary around other magi would be something basic that a magus should possess, after all. They were all in the same side supposedly, but who knew what could happen later down the line. At the very least, Himiko felt that neither Tamamo nor her Master were having any ill wills, although she still felt some worry about how Ravel would act in this situation. She stared towards the foxy servant for a while through the mirror that covered her face. It was supposedly have the capability to hide what she was thinking underneath it, creating the reserved and grandiose illusion, but perhaps in front of this one Servant, it simply would not work. Still trying her best to not look awkward by staring at Tamamo, Himiko was then surprised when the other Caster explained about her origin. The reveal that Tamamo was primarily a fragment of Amaterasu explained the discrepancies Himiko found regarding her...everything. In a way, it put some relief towards her, now that she didn't have to keep her image too hard before Tamamo, but even then she still felt quite some shame for showing her weakness towards the other Caster. But before Himiko could properly say her reaction to what Tamamo said, the other Caster continued her words and cheerfully asked for the two to get along with each other, complete with Tamamo grasping Himiko's hands. [color=fff200]"I...uh...I..." [/color]Himiko stuttered, unable to form a spontaneous answer as she blushed underneath her mirror. It would definitely nice to be in the company of someone that she was familiar with in some way, and during the short time they had interacted, Himiko did feel that Tamamo's presence was quite pleasant to be with. As ashamed as she was about her earlier conducts and displays of weakness, realization slowly dawned on her that there was no way she could still salvage her image in front of Tamamo. It was hard to accept, but there was no other choice she could accept. There was no other choice that she would accept. She grasped the other Caster's hand tight, and for that moment, the empress momentarily showcased the personality of a fourteen-year old girl that never truly grew up. [color=fff200]"L-let's be friends, then!"[/color] It was barely audible to anyone except for the one person that was before her, and for that moment, Himiko's voice lost the forced dignified aura that gave it weight. The words that slithered away from her lips were not the direct answer for Tamamo's actual prompt - the words were reflecting what Himiko truly desired from Tamamo. It was childish, it was unfitting for a magus, let alone a queen like her, but for this moment, Himiko found the opening to express the voice of her heart. She was scared that Ravel would see her like this, however, her mind soon drifted away from there. Carried away by her feelings, Himiko noticed that it felt surprisingly nice to be able to speak in this way. Normally, a slip up like this would cause her to retreat to her safe space in her personal chamber, but for once, Himiko felt that it was something that was meant to happen. Still grasping Tamamo's hand, Himiko continued to tell her what was on her mind, gradually discarding her embarrassment and awkwardness in front of the one being that Himiko might be able to be honest to. [color=fff200]"I...I really have no idea about anything regarding what my Master asked earlier, but I don't want to disappoint her. Please, can you help me?"[/color] [hr]