[hider] Name: Moteki Youta Street name: Boom Age: 43 Gender: Male Appearance: Boom is of average height and build for a dwarf. He has ebony skin and red brownish hair that he keeps in a ponytail. Most people quickly notice his clearly cybernetic eyes, due to their rainbow colored irises and protective covers. Something he doesn't mind at all as it draws attention away from the chromed steel "fingernails" on his right hand. In his free time he is generally wearing a mechanic's overalls. Psychological description: Boom has never really gotten over the deaths of his wife and son, and if it weren't for his desire to take revenge at the one responsible and the system that let them get away with it, he would have put a bullet in his brains a long time ago. Instead he became determined to live as long as he could, in order to cause trouble for both the corporations and the government. He is both smart and patient enough to start small and work his way up to the point where he can really hurt those he wants, while keeping as many civilians out of the crossfire as possible though if he has no choice but to harm an innocent he will. Notes: [hr] Priorities: [indent] A: Skills B: Resources C: Attributes D: Race E: Magic [/indent] Attributes: [indent] Body: 5 ( 4+1) Quickness: 5 Strength: 5(3+2) Charisma: 3 Intelligence: 5 Willpower: 5 ( 4+1) Essence: 4.68 Magic: 0 Initiative: 1 Reaction: 7 [/indent] Metatype: Dwarf Skills: [indent] Resistance (+2) to any disease or toxin REA Car 5 INT Car B/R 3 INT Electronics 5 INT Electronics B/R 6 Cha Etiquette 2 INT Gunnery 5 STR Cyber- implant combat (hand razors) 3 (5) QUI Pistols 5 INT Pistols B/R 3 INT Biotech (First aid) 3(5) INT Launch Weapons 4 INT Demolitions 3 CHA Negotiation (Bargain) 3 (5) INT (Interest) Scrapyards Tokyo 5 INT (Street) Mafia Politics 3 INT (Background) Sorcery (spellcasting) 4 (6) INT (Academic) Chemistry 3 INT (Background) Computers 4 INT (Interest) WW II History 5 INT Japanese 4 R/W2 INT Rigger-Speak 3 [/indent] [hr] Nuyen: 56000 Lifestyle: middle Cyberware: Cybereyes (alphaware) (legal) image link (alphaware) (legal thermographic vision (alphaware) (legal) camera (alpahaware) (legal) flare compensation) (alpahaware) (legal) Hand razors (alphaware) (3-n) Commlink 5 (legality legal) 2 datajacks (alphaware) ( legality legal) Headware Memory ( Alphaware ) 50 mp (legality legal) Headware Radio (alphaware) Rating 5 (legality legal) Smartlink (bodyware) (alphaware) (legality 5-pn) vehicle control rig (alphaware) (rating 2) (legality 6-pn) Armour: Lined coat (conceal 8, ballistics 4, impact 2, legal) Weapons: Ruger super warhawk ( pistol, conceal 4 (6 with coat 8 whit holster and coat), ammo 6(cy) mode ss, damage 10m, legality 6p-e recoil -, skill pistols) flechette rounds x 1,( concealabilty 8 12 with coat, legal) regular ammo x 3 (concealabilty 5 7 with coat, legal) regular ammo for ak-97x4 Vehicle: Ford Americar( modfied for dwarfs, handling 4/9 speed 108, accel 8 body 3, armor 0, sig 2, autonav 2 pilot -(1), sensor 1, cargo 12, load 110, remote control interface) Other possessions: concealable holster (Conceal +2, rating -, legal), flash-pack ( conceal 12 18 with coat, damage special, legal), gm-nissan doberman (handling 3/5, speed 70, accel 8, body 2, armor 6, sig 2, autonav -, pilot 2, sensor 1, cargo 2,5, load 50, setup/breakdown -, external fixed firmpoint (with soviet ak-97: conceal 3, ammo 38c, mode SA/BF/FA, damage 8m weight 4,5 legality 2-g, rc-), remote control interface, remote mictroturret) medkit, wire clippers( conceal 12,legal) kit/electronic( conceal 3) shop/vehicle work (conceal -) Contacts: 1 x level 1 contact ( Fujino Masuru- fixer), 1 x level 3 contact (Kagamine Shouta -mechanic) Spells: None [hr] History: Eleven years ago Boom worked as a mechanic in Kagamine's garage. However one day both his wife and six year old son got run over by a senior manager from a megacorp and died from their injuries. Wanting revenge Boom sued the elf but not only did he walk free thanks to his lawyers, Boom had to repair the damages to his car. Enraged he swore revenge, his first impulse was to sabotage the car while "fixing"it, but he quickly realized that was foolish, the elf was bound to have someone check the work done on the vehicle and if not he would be the prime suspect in the guy's death. So instead as soon as the repair work was done, he began saving as much money as he could to buy cyberware, weapons and get some combat training. Now after more than a decade he finally feels ready to take the next step towards revenge by officially becoming a shadowrunner. Non-contact relations: his brother in law, Hasagawa Takumi Notes: [/hider]