[center][url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2013/008/8/b/mage_tricoreniflwen3_by_avodkabottle-d5qtwg2.png][img]http://i.imgur.com/P7KVObb.png?1[/img][/url] Location: Heal station -> Pokelab Interaction:[@Brose] [/center] [hr] With the battle done, Danilo picked his bag up and moved over to the healing station as well. A minimized pokeball rolled out his sleeve and into his waiting hand. Francis was called back inside and Dan gave it to the waiting nurse who was there. Once the ball was returned to him, Danilo thanked her and went to do the last thing before he set out on his journey himself. Francis left the ball on his own, it was something the little bird learn to do after just a few days after hatching. Danilo minimized the ball and stored it back inside his big sleeves. Per sleeve there were three spots, that could hold the balls. It was a practical solution as far as he kept on his coat the balls would be one finger motion away from rolling into his hand and be cast. The other practical reason the motion to let his pokemon friend out that way was more elegant than reaching to a belt or bag for them. He walked into the pokelab and saw the professor talking to one the trainers he saw in the contest line earlier. Not wanting to interrupt them he look around he spotted a aid and first and foremost asked them for a pokedex. They gave him one and he ensured them he had no questions on how to use it. It was a intuitive machine to use. Of course you would point the camera on the pokemon you are curious about. With this done, Danilo truly became aware that his adventure was starting. All mundane things were checked off his list and he was free to do as he pleased. There were places he wanted to go and see, places that picked his interest. The first one he would set out for was [u]the Zamak ruins.[/u] Who wouldnt be intrigued with the story that ruins silently speak? [hider=edited out] Yet before he left, his eyes were drawn to another trainer. The trainer with a aura and appearance ready to show to the world without a second thought. She was breathing the theme, one could say. The Drifloon floating close to her clearly her partner. Danilo just had to introduce himself to her and learn her name. With sure steps he approced her. [color=8882be]"Forgive my interruption, but I simply must know the name of such a shining twilight star as you are." [/color]He made a deep bow in front of her, once more the hat doped into his waiting hand and out of it Francis head poked out, chipping at the girl and he stood upright again leaning on his staff. [color=8882be]"My friend here is Francis and my own name is Danilo. If I am not horrible wrong, we are both going to meet on the stage of contest arenas. I can already tell that it will be a mesmerizing display, indeed. " [/color] He placed the top hat against his chest, allowing Francis to still watch everything from sitting inside it. [/hider]