[center][h1]GM POST[/h1][h2]NOW WITH A MAP[/h2] [hider=Finally amirite?] [IMG]http://i67.tinypic.com/210x2qa.png[/IMG] [url]http://i67.tinypic.com/210x2qa.png[/url] [/hider] [/center] Quick Q&A: Q: What took you so long? >T A: This fucking map and the tiny ass provinces and the fact I had to go searching through the OOC Q: Why am I not the color I used for my own claim? D: A: Because when all y'all pick the same festive shade of green or red for some reason, I have to get creative to make them stand out from each other Q: This isn't my exact claim, on the map I'm larger/smaller/lumpier/smoother! :( A: That was me trying to reduce the amount of empty space on the map/encourage people to interact now that they're closer together. Call me a evil or whatever if you wish >_> Q: My claim isn't on the map! DX A: Then please send it to me so I can [s]defile[/s] add it Q: I fucking hate you A: 1) That's not a question 2) Thx <3 [@Hostile][@The Spectre][@Elgappa][@Keyguyperson][@Mateotis][@Dannyrulx][@Verdaux][@Fashy][@Roosan][@Tsar Gatto][@Marquise][@Legion02][@Fallen Muse]