[center][h3]Grey Ghost[/h3][/center] [center]City: [color=9e0b0f]K[/color][/center] [color=f26522]"Get help? I got it!"[/color] Ghost quickly turned around and began to speed walk right out. Maybe it was his lucky day after all. Imagine if he actually had to fight that thing. Shit he probably would have to fight that dragon just to get to him. It was fine though, there was like 20 Hero's for that one turtle. Overkill? Yeah, but it just meant Jakob could go back to bed. As Ghost began to take his leave, he heard a soft thud. He turned back to see the man passed out on the floor. "[color=f26522]But of course! Silly me thinking it was that easy![/color]" Jakob reluctantly made his way back to Pickles and began to treat him. Removing some gauze from his carrier to clog the bleeding. It must suck though, he looked like he tried so hard, but still failed. Honestly it looked like he was shooting the dragon, which was another Hero or at least that's what his armor told him. Well maybe he did shoot at the Turtle... Ghost leaned the man on a wall and stood up with his pistol in hand. He targeting HUD appeared in front of his eyes and began to calculated all the factors for two bullets to go into the eyes of the Turtle. After just a few seconds both Shots fired, Ghost didn't care for the shots and began to treat Pickles again. This time he hit him with a straight shot of adrenaline and sugar, hopefully reviving him so he was able to continue his fight. Or at least let Ghost not feel bad for leaving him here. [@SpookySquid] [@Phobos]