[@Wraithblade6][@supertinyking] ((Mother of all way-too-late posts. I apologize profusely to everyone involved)) The Space Marines step forward, their leader nodding briefly as an Apothecary in the white armour of his craft applied an odd device to Mithias' wrist. A small needle took a blood sample which was drawn into the centre of the device and thoroughly scanned. As the device emits a low buzzing noise the Apothecary carefully measures the readings, displayed in a series of symbols whom's meaning was lost on those not trained in the device's use. While the apothecary did not give the order to shoot, neither did he gesture for his companions to lower the weapons pointed at Mithias. Instead he simply seemed to offer a small prayer over the device and try again, this time spending significantly longer to study the results. From the brief sideways glance shared between two of the Salamanders battle brothers it was clear that this was not a usual occurence - Astartes were not given to much nonverbal communication. As Mithias waited to hear his fate a strange type of Marine stepped forth from the small bunker. He wore the same muted green as the others, but a series of large mechanical arms extended from his back, tools mounted on their ends. Several such tools also looked like they might be repurposed as weapons, laser cutters and large mechanical vises. He moved towards Martin's robotic avatar and seemed to perform a short prayer-like ceremony, before waving an odd device at the robot. Seemingly mollified by whatever result this yielded the Techmarine nodded to the luitenant and returned to the bunker, presumably teleported out to see to other duties. Perhaps he had been brought here to ascertain the robot was not, in fact, a walking bomb. After all, there were plenty of non-Tyranid forces who would benefit should the Empire suffer, and even the New Empire had inherited some of the paranoia of it's older incarnation. The Apothecary seemed to grunt in exasperation as he scanned through the readouts once more - a grand gesture for a Space Marine. The first test had already confirmed that this stranger contained no Tyranid DNA, and he had been about to allow them to pass, when he had more closely examined the DNA code. The DNA readout seemed to be similar to what would be expected of an Adeptus Astartes, and more extensive probing had shown that it appeared to be a heavily warped Salamanders geneseed. But this figure was clearly not an Astartes, with his small build and yellow, reptilian eyes. So he had taken a second reading to confirm, and this second reading had been yet more confusing. For it was completely and utterly different, instead indicating that this stranger was some kind of immense monstrous xenos, a combination that was utterly alien to the Apothecary. The third reading had yielded similarly dissimilar results, against all likelihood indicating that he was now testing a squirrel of some sort. He had checked the device for malfunction but it had proven to be completely functioning, instead indicating that this being's DNA was highly anomalous. Walking back to meet with his commander, the Salamanders briefly discussed the situation. Then two of them marched forward to grab Mithias by the arms, dragging him forward in their steel grip. The luitenant briefly explained the situation, his voice deep and mechanical through the filter of his helmet. "You are being taken to a holding cell for further testing until we can ascertain what method was used to manipulate your DNA results. If you do not attempt to escape you will not be killed, unless we find Genestealer contamination." With these brief words Mithias would be dragged off towards the bunker, and the portal that would take him to some heavily guarded facility. Martin's drone was not given any specific commands, but the stance of the Marine who still stood watching him - weapon relaxed now - indicated that he was free to follow, if he wished. But he had been relegated to secondary importance.