[@PokimKyOshi][@Hazard Bits][@RainbowFactory] Damon was about to walk away when "Despair" leaped out of what seemed to be nowhere as it it was a normal situation. [color=cyan]Uh, yeah hi...Um, sorry about calling you a mongrel, I didn't realize you were, whatever you are...[/color] Damon tried to apologize as best he could, how was we supposed to know that they were anything more than a wild animal? If this wasn't the worst of his worries, Damon may as well have brought popcorn. [color=cyan]Okay, I'm listening to reason, whatever you're doing, do it.[/color] Damon said as the one calling themselves "Trickster" led him and the other children into the building. Damon stepped through the doors with a burst of cold wind that just seemed more welcoming to him, Damon quite liked a cold breeze. He went off to the side and leaned against the wall, waiting for the three spook twins to do their thing. Damon looked on the ground and saw a spider crawling across the floor a few inches away from his shoe, it looked like a Black Widow, he just watched as it scurried around. It didn't make him flinch or anything but he just watched it.