[b]Active Jones: Jonathon[/b] Jervis picked up the empty glass from Randy's hand while walking past Alejandro and retrieving her glass too. He glanced up at the television while attending to his duties as butler, his stoic face did not not wince at the violent manner in which Johnathon killed Chuck Redd, it made no difference to the contract 'payment' the job was done. Jervis approached the kitchen of the bar and began fixing drinks for the Jones 'family'. He picked up the phone on the bar counter as he loaded the empty glasses into the sink. [i]Master Jon, I am glad you enjoyed completing the job, but you have been shot, I advise you switch with another here so we can tend to your wounds. We have a new contract and I think you want to be here for the briefing instead of losing blood in that wretched neighborhood. Speak to you soon sir.[/i] Jervis hung up the phone and loaded the newly mixed drinks on to the tray, as he entered the main room he called all of the Jones' to attention for their next briefing. The next song on the jukebox began to play. [url=https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0JAXfUKb30k]An Intruging Breifing.[/url] [img]https://i.ytimg.com/vi/YrydrulcV4w/hqdefault.jpg[/img] [i]Here I have freshened everyone's drink, please get comfortable as I explain your next contract.[/i] [hider=Alejandro's Drink] Double Tequila Shot [img]http://www.theluxuryspot.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/01/tequila.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=William's Drink] Milk and Kaluha [img]http://s3.amazonaws.com/spoonuniversi-wpengine/spoonuniversi/wp-content/uploads/sites/150/2016/02/classic-kahlua-cocktails.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Abigail's Drink] Bloody Mary [img]http://untappedcities.wpengine.netdna-cdn.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/08/BloodyMary.jpg[/img] [/hider] [hider=Nick's Drink] Ambassodor Beer [img]http://www.alux.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/Crown_Ambassador.jpg[/img] [/hider] [i][b]Master Randall and Charles[/b] you have just finished your drinks so I'll wait a few mins before topping you up. [b]Ms Rassia[/b], I know you are particular so I didn't want to guess your beverage. Now let me get your attention. The latest contract came through last night, but I didn't want to distract you from the Chuck Redd contract until he was succesfully dealt with. We shall be recieivng a memory payment soon from the Afterlife. [/i] Jervis walked over to his suitcase and handed the group dossier files, all in silky black folders with a golden C stamped on the back. He also picked up the telephone and put it on speaker so John could listen in. [i]I was fortunate enough to be contacted by a very well respected land owner in Utah. His name is Calvin Corvin and apparently he has 5 contracts for all of us. They are his adopted daughters. All running wild and terrorising the mortal world. Obviously, you are the only ones who can handle this. But I say with extreme caution that these are some of the most powerful targets I've ever laid eyes on. The trouble is they were brought back to life after dying by some sort of black magic that I dont fully understand. The stories of these young women are quite.....distrubing. So please take your time in reading these dossiers. Once you are all finished, I'll leave it up to you who we should go after first. They are spread out around the country. I'll be in the kitchen if you need me.[/i] [url=http://www.roleplayerguild.com/posts/4026144]The Dossiers[/url]