[quote=@Oxenfree] [hider=Samuel Alderach] [h1][b][i][color=1a7b30][center]Samuel Alderach[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center] [img]https://s-media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/736x/9a/ca/6d/9aca6d5c4cf9efdbdd52d2b7b758c9db.jpg[/img] [/center] [h3][b][i][color=1a7b30][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=1a7b30]Name:[/color][/b] Samuel Alderach [b][color=1a7b30]Aliases:[/color][/b] The Woodwraith, The West Wind [b][color=1a7b30]Age:[/color][/b] 29 [b][color=1a7b30]Place of Origin: [/color][/b] The woods near Azure Gate [b][color=1a7b30]Gender:[/color][/b] Male [b][color=1a7b30]Speciality:[/color][/b] Stealth Archery [b][color=1a7b30]Roles & Rank:[/color][/b] Knight Commander [h3][b][i][color=1a7b30][center]Physical Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=1a7b30]Height:[/color][/b] 6’2” [b][color=1a7b30]Weight:[/color][/b] 180 lbs. [b][color=1a7b30]Build: [/color][/b] Somewhat slim and very toned. [b][color=1a7b30]Eyes:[/color][/b] Brown [b][color=1a7b30]Hair:[/color][/b] Blonde [b][color=1a7b30]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Pale [b][color=1a7b30]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings: None to speak of.[/color][/b] [b][color=1a7b30]Day To Day Attire: [/color][/b] Wears leather traveling gear in just about every situation, even in court – he’s not comfortable with anything else. [b][color=1a7b30]Strengths: [/color][/b]Stealth, Woodscraft, Archery [b][color=1a7b30]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] Physically weaker, Low core temperature (slightly more vulnerable to temperature extremes) [h3][b][i][color=1a7b30][center]Psychological Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=1a7b30][center]Quiet* Confident * Loyal * Ruthless[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=1a7b30]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Heterosexual [b][color=1a7b30]Relationship Status: [/color][/b] Single [b][color=1a7b30]Personality: [/color][/b] Samuel is a quiet and reserved man who almost never betrays what’s on his mind. Not given to highs and lows of emotion in any circumstance, he’s often perceived as a cold, fearsome figure, and it’s not far off the mark. He’s dispassionate, awkward in social situations, and relentlessly task-oriented, with very little time for what he perceives as nonsense. About the only thing he is openly passionate about is his loyalty to the royal family, to whom he feels he owes everything in his life. There is nothing he would not do for them, and consequently he is known as among their most feared servants, bordering on their attack dog, for he is utterly ruthless in their protection and service and would scour the nation for any threat to them, if they commanded it of him. [b][color=1a7b30]Habits: [/color][/b] Tilts his head when he’s thinking. Stares at people without realizing he’s doing it. [b][color=1a7b30]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Fancies himself something of a poet, when he’s not working. [b][color=1a7b30]Fears:[/color][/b] Fire, Failure [b][color=1a7b30]Likes:[/color][/b] The woods, rain, poetry, dogs, birds, a good pair of boots. [b][color=1a7b30]Dislikes:[/color][/b] Housecats, small talk, kids, salads, incompetence, holier-than-thou attitudes. [h3][b][i][color=1a7b30][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=1a7b30][i][center]A listing of skills, such as horseback riding or cooking[/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Archery (Master):[/color][/b] Accuracy with a longbow. [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Stealth (Expert):[/color][/b] The ability to hide and move silently. [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Cooking (Novice):[/color][/b] It’s edible. [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Woodscraft (Expert):[/color][/b] Tracking, hunting and general wilderness knowledge. [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Interrogation (Apprentice):[/color][/b] In his role as enforcer for the Queen, he’s getting better at getting information out of people, but he has room to grow. [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Fletching (Journeyman):[/color][/b] The ability to make one’s own arrows from wood or bone. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=1a7b30][center]Talents & Powers[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=1a7b30][i][center]A listing of unique talents, magic, or posscessions. Royalty and Knight Commands may have one two major and two minor. Knights 1st rank may have one major and two minor. Knights 2nd rank may have two minor. Knights 3rd rank may have one minor. Nobles may have one minor.[/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Necessity (Artifact/Major):[/color][/b] A great oak longbow infused with the power of the wind, granting its wielder the ability to knock an arrow, aim and fire at blinding speeds. The arrows themselves can be empowered to cause a gust of wind as they travel, but only Samuel knows precisely how to make them do that. Legend holds that the bow was made specifically for him, after he outwitted the last Woodwitch and learned her true name – a fanciful story to be sure, but he’s never confirmed nor denied it. [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Windborne (Power/Major):[/color][/b] Samuel can call upon the winds to bear him aloft, thus granting him a limited power of flight (when he’s outside, at least). He gained this power when he interrupted a Woodwitch ritual to summon a Primordial Spirit of the Wind, instead having the entity become partially bound to him. [*] [b][color=1a7b30]The Everbag (Artifact/Minor): A small purse enchanted to have the carrying capacity of a massive backpack – Samuel uses it to carry all his camping equipment without being encumbered. A gift from the queen from when he was made Knight Commander.[/color][/b] [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Farsight (Power/Minor): Samuel can ‘zoom in’ his vision, essentially functioning as a built-in spyglass. Also a side effect of interrupting the ritual.[/color][/b] [/list] [h3][b][i][color=1a7b30][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=1a7b30]Parents:[/color][/b] Deceased. [b][color=1a7b30]Siblings:[/color][/b] Older Brother, Younger Sister. Deceased. [b][color=1a7b30]Childhood:[/color][/b] Born in a small cabin in the woods near Azure Gate, Samuel was the child of a woodsman and his wife. He had a happy childhood being taught the craft of his father, until one fateful day when he was fifteen years old that his home was consumed in a forest fire, taking his entire family with it. [b][color=1a7b30]Adulthood:[/color][/b] From then on, Samuel lived on his own, at times more beast than man, sticking to the woods and honing the skills of his father. He might have lived that way forever, were it not for one day he explored deeper in the woods than ever before. In an ancient glen unknown to human eyes, he came upon six creatures known as Woodwitches, old and malicious and terrible. The Woodwitches were engaged in a ritual to summon a being of primordial wind, for they felt that the nearby city was an affront to them and sought to lay waste to it. Samuel blundered into the middle of the ritual and became imbued with a strange power, narrowly escaping from the witches with his life. Without knowing why, he flew immediately to the capital and demanded an audience with the queen, where he explained what he had seen – the next day he led a company of soldiers to the clearing and scattered the Woodwitches to the corners of the forest. In gratitude, the queen knighted him and placed him in charge of hunting them down – when this was completed several years later he was made Knight Commander, the long arm of the Queen, a position he has served faithfully in for years since. [b][color=1a7b30]Special Moments:[/color][/b] The death of his family, the incident that gave him his powers. [b][color=1a7b30]Current Events:[/color][/b] Samuel is a queensman through and through, and has been training his special order of knights to seek and eliminate any threats to her. He was recently called back from their large camp in the woods to investigate this new threat to the kingdom, having not been in the city for several months prior. [h3][b][i][color=1a7b30][center]Relations[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=1a7b30][center]* ☠ Enemy * ⚜ Unfriendly * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ღ Ally * ♥ Crush/Significant Other * [/center][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=1a7b30]Name:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [h3][b][i][color=1a7b30][center]Extras (Optional)[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=1a7b30]Character Quote:[/color][/b] I am the Queen’s arrow; Silent and violent and right where I need to be, [b][color=1a7b30]Theme Song:[/color][/b] Dunno yet, will have to think about this. [b][color=1a7b30]Aura Color:[/color][/b] Dark green. [b][color=1a7b30]Scent:[/color][/b] Mud and tree sap. [b][color=1a7b30]Anything Else: [/color][/b] - [/hider] [/quote] Approved! <3