[quote=@Cupricality] Not to nitpick, but how exactly are you going to write a hive mind as a NOT omnipresent character? [/quote] Simply! :D On a more serious note, the Database itself isn't really a character. Other than itself which supposedly gets access to all of the information of the Acruani, and will only be there as a plot device more than anything. Any given Acruani only gets information form the Acruani directly under them. While 'the Acruani' may seem omniscient, any whole only knows what individual Acruani under it can sense. They currently lack means for massive communication between systems, so this is also a limitation. Any invidual Acruani, however, is limited to the information that gets to them, a lowe Acruani is literally just a piece in a greater machine that is probably reliant on the information given by another Acruani. Using the narrator I applied as an example, if it is in its most aware form and not delegating any other Acruani to do anything at all, it has to pay attention to every little bit of chatter and detail that it can find through the system. Something it won't do because it is more efficient to it to have an Acruani focused on the matter. [hider=Why would it be inefficient if it is an AI and all?] For an Acruani efficiency is related to the number of cores focused on a matter, and the processing speed is exponential. (Nothing that affects their balance as an AI race, just something that can sound unbalanced.) An Acruani splitting its focus into a thousand things is less efficient than a thousand Acruani whose sum of cores is the same as the first one wherein each does a single process. [/hider] In practice, this means that he could be aware as much as a lot of sensors he has access to can be, but he opts to focus on a smaller number of them and waits for information from others to be relayed. On a side note: I didn't call them a hive mind, just a series of interconnected AIs! The Database though, that thing is a Hive-mind, literally the soul of the Acruani, but as it is reduced to little more than well, a Database that accepts input from the Acruani then proceeds to give out appropriate directions, that are basically relaying they most effective or mostly seen input ([i]democracy, *gasps*[/i]). Lastly, if this still doesn't explain how I will write an Acruani, then! I will have to ask 'what is so hard about doing that?' So I know exactly what is the problem. If that explanation doesn't help, I'll write examples! If they don't help! I will be out of ideas and wondering what I'm interpreting wrongly. Hope that this helps though. :3