This is a tentative sheet, I'll finish it up tomorrow. I just thought some might want a glimpse at their queen. ANything not filled out will be filled out tomorrow! [hider=Celosia] [h1][b][i][color=FF00FF][center]Celosia Serafine [/center][/color][/i][/b][/h1] [center][img][/img][/center] [h3][b][i][color=FF00FF][center]Character Summary[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FF00FF]Name:[/color][/b] Celosia Akodo Serafine [b][color=FF00FF]Aliases:[/color][/b] Her Majesty; Highness [b][color=FF00FF]Age:[/color][/b] 42 [b][color=FF00FF]Place of Origin:[/color][/b] Azure's Gate [b][color=FF00FF]Gender:[/color][/b] Female [b][color=FF00FF]Speciality:[/color][/b] Magic [b][color=FF00FF]Roles & Rank:[/color][/b] Royalty, Queen of Azure's Gate [h3][b][i][color=FF00FF][center]Physical Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FF00FF]Height:[/color][/b] 5'8" [b][color=FF00FF]Weight:[/color][/b] 137lbs [b][color=FF00FF]Build:[/color][/b] Slender, graceful, even in her maturing years she has a body that, while showing the signs of aging, is still youthful - in appearance and certainly not in other other capacity. [b][color=FF00FF]Eyes:[/color][/b] A light shade of violet. [b][color=FF00FF]Hair:[/color][/b] Where once it was a raven black now it is lighter in shade, leading to a natural greying down the line. At present it is light black. [b][color=FF00FF]Skin Tone:[/color][/b] Ivory white, though not overly pale. [b][color=FF00FF]Tattoos/Scars/Piercings:[/color][/b] No ink mars her skin and the only jewelry are the various accessories she often wears - from earrings down to rings and necklaces, hardly what one could consider true piercings. There is a long-since healed scar on her back, spreading from shoulder blade to halfway down her back. The scar is healed, but the imprint remains. [b][color=FF00FF]Day To Day Attire:[/color][/b] Typically Celosia will be found in fine raiment often tinted a regal purple to match her eyes and not to conflict with her skin. These clothes are often dresses with loose sleeves and a comfortable fit, but on more than one occasion she will dress down into a simple, but still fine in quality, trousers and matching top. Formal wear, such as when she is attending to her duties atop the throne or attending matters of court, consists of dresswear, with flowing sashes though tailored in such a way as to not drag along the ground. Elegance, but graceful is the key. [b][color=FF00FF]Strengths:[/color][/b] Magic: Her greatest strength is her command of the mystic and arcane arts, weaving spells as if they were old hat. Which, to her, they are. Tactics: Having been groomed to be the queen from a rather young age, it is no surprise that she has a military mind - it is naive to think conflict is inevitable in the world after all. She prefers to sit in on matters of military and offer her suggestions even if they are not asked of her. Grace: Many have heard the tales of Queen Celosia's bladedancing - moreso in her youthful days - but few have truly seen her in action. She still has it, albeit with slower motions and more deliberate steps, and only the ones with agendas against her can deny that the queen has grace befitting one of her stature - and possibly beyond. [b][color=FF00FF]Weaknesses:[/color][/b] Physical and Martial Arts: Though she has training with a blade, her affinity for magic and mental affairs meant she shirked other aspects of her tutelage days. She cannot do much in the ways of heavy lifting and even her battle attire - when she needs such a thing - is light to allow for freedom of movement rather than sturdy protection. Age: Though she might appear young, her age is catching up with her. She cannot tap into her magical abilities or her bladedancing for extended periods any longer without exhausting herself or worse. She is not frail or infirm, but neither is she the same woman that once captivated crowds at royal tourneys. [h3][b][i][color=FF00FF][center]Psychological Attributes[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [i][color=6ecff6][center]Wise * Diplomatic * Concerned * Just[/center][/color][/i] [b][color=FF00FF]Sexuality:[/color][/b] Bisexual. In her younger days she was known, or at least the rumors have stated such, to have suitors both male and female. Some have even said she married her king not for love but for the purposes of an heiress - which isn't the most unheard of thing. [b][color=FF00FF]Relationship Status:[/color][/b] Married. [b][color=FF00FF]Personality:[/color][/b] Celosia considers herself a fair ruler, but believing that matters could be so easily divided into fair and unfair would make her naive. Naive is not a trait that befalls the queen; wise, however is. She is an intelligent woman, literate and diplomatic in many regards, but with a sincere love of arts and in artistic displays - often partaking in them herself. She is not without her faults, of course, and her love of family often has her making decisions with her emotions first rather than her logic and reason. Celosia has no love of those who betray her good nature, be it those who engage in criminal acts within her realm or those who would betray her. Some have considered her cruel for her ironclad stance on punishment - that no crime goes unpunished (with the severity of the punishment determined at the hearing) but she insists that everything she does is for the security and safety of her people, whom she would defend with her life. She is nothing without her citizens and subjects and will often make appearances amongst the people to ensure that they are not forgotten. Her attempts to ensure that everyone is safe, that everyone favors her, might make her seem obsessed with her own status but if there was any word that could describe the queen it would certainly not be arrogant. [b][color=FF00FF]Habits:[/color][/b] Often Celosia will tap her index finger against her cheek when listening to others. She isn't aware she is doing it but many have assumed it means she is bored at their ramblings. Which isn't...always untrue. Another of her habits is snapping her fingers when summoning or dismissing someone. A simple snap that, at times, has come off as rude to those who are unaware of this rather uncommon habit. [b][color=FF00FF]Hobbies:[/color][/b] Dancing, if only to prove she still has it. Whenever there is a ball or other festivities, the night hasn't truly begun until Celosia graces the dance floor with her presence. Theater, particularly observing it, is a particular favorite of hers. She rather enjoys watching the actors and getting invested in the twists and turns of a truly moving production. Celosia has an appreciation for the fine arts, believing that artists have just as much a place in her Queendom as the warriors. Warriors protect the people; artists keep them. [b][color=FF00FF]Fears:[/color][/b] The premature death of her children. Their lives are more valuable than her own, no matter what her advisers say on the matter. Rodents. Ever since she was a child and had a frightful encounter with a rat when she snuck into the larder she has hated rodents of any size. Something about their tails just...bothers her. And the way they skitter's disgusting. [b][color=FF00FF]Likes:[/color][/b] Her family, in particular her children Games of strategy, such as chess The fine arts Cold beverages Jewelry, especially earrings The scent of lavender [b][color=FF00FF]Dislikes:[/color][/b] Blistering cold weather Excruciatingly long council meetings Sour or bitter foods Those who call her daughter Willow 'lame' due to her muteness. Unflattering or otherwise ugly clothing. Horseback riding. Sleeping in nature, such as when out on a journey and having to camp due to the lack of an inn. [h3][b][i][color=FF00FF][center]Skills[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=FF00FF][i][center]A listing of skills, such as horseback riding or cooking. Levels include novice, apprentice, journeyman, expert, master.[/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Magic Arts (Master):[/color][/b] Fitting for one who took the magical pursuits, years of study and practice have made Queen Celosia highly proficient at weaving spells. Elemental magics and illusions are her strongest suit with those magics in the field of restoration being her weakest understanding. [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Tactical Planning (Expert):[/color][/b] Celosia does have military advisers but even they often defer to her when they feel she knows best. She loves strategy, even simply playing games of strategy with her family or members of her court and council. [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Diplomacy (Expert):[/color][/b] One of the most important aspects of the job is maintaining relationships with other nations of the world, as such she has a deft hand and a defter tongue when it comes to foreign relations. To her credit, Azure's Gate hasn't seen conflict with the other nations while under her reign so she must be doing something right. Not to say that threats haven't been leveled... [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Swordsmanship (Apprentice):[/color][/b] She knows how to use her very particular blade but she has a distinct lack of ability when it comes to the skillful art of the blade. [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Horseback Riding (Apprentice):[/color][/b] Anytime Celosia mounts up it is a gamble if she will stay on top for more than a handful of seconds at a time. Riding is not one of her strong suits but as she refuses to travel by carriage or being carried - as that draws attention and is asking too much of her people - she has to keep getting back on the horse. [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Literacy (Master):[/color][/b] Reading and writing were one of the first things she was taught by her teachers and it's something she wishes to personally teach her children - particularly her heiress. She has a fondness for reading plays and she helps maintain diplomacy with her clever wordplay in letters to other leaders. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=FF00FF][center]Talents & Powers[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=FF00FF][i][center]A listing of unique talents, magic, or posscessions. Royalty and Knight Commands may have two major and two minor. Knights 1st rank may have one major and two minor. Knights 2nd rank may have two minor. Knights 3rd rank may have one minor. Nobles may have one minor.[/center][/i][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=FF00FF] Celosia's Chagrin (Weapon/Minor):[/color][/b] Her rapier, the thin, sharp blade she uses in her bladedancing displays and demonstrations. It was made specifically for her by the finest smith in Azure's Gate when she was struggling with the heavier blades in the armory during training. It doubles as a catalyst with which to channel her spells. It is sharpest at the point which makes it a rather dangerous thrusting weapon and rather useless when engaged in anything other than one-on-one duels. But it is a blade that has been at her side since her youth, and still the silver is as fine as the day it was presented to her. [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Tome of the Arcane (Artitfact/Major):[/color][/b] Always at her side is a tome with various spells and incantations and information on runes and the like. She has committed most of it to memory, particularly the combat spells, but it never hurts to use it as a referral. The tome itself is magical and always seems to know which page Celosia needs at any given moment. It might have a mind of its own, or it might be a simple....not so simple enchantment. [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Call of the Elements (Power/Major):[/color][/b] Celosia's affinity for magic comes to manifest itself here. Though it takes a considerable amount of effort, when she channels her arcane abilities she can call upon the various elements to do her bidding, be it calling up a fury of wind to upend those in her path or a deluge of water to quell even the fiercest of flames. Some say it is the Queen's magic that keeps Azure's Gate afloat. Celosia will let them keep on thinking that if they so desire. Using the full force of the elements will leave her exhausted, it is for desperate times. Until then, she has her Tome and her arsenal of less taxing spells. [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Raiment of the Royals (Item/Minor):[/color][/b] Her combat attire, for lack of a better term. It is silk in make and does not offer up protections against blades. What it does, other than looking stylish and coming with its own earring accessories, is allow Celosia to move swiftly and easily, and billow when she is powering up her spells thanks to an enchantment weaved into the fabric. Though the court tailors made the clothing at Celosia's request, there are patches present; wear and tear have set in but every time a rip or hole appeared she let Willow practice her clothes-making on it. [/list] [h3][b][i][color=FF00FF][center]History[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FF00FF]Parents:[/color][/b] Celosia had a decent relationship with her parents, when she saw them, of course. She knew her parents loved her but that their duties to the queendom always came first, which was why she spent much of her time with her tutors and court appointed playmates. After the passing of her mother and Celosia's subsequent coronation, she made a promise that she would make time for her children. [b][color=FF00FF]Siblings:[/color][/b] Celosia's sister, knowing she was not the next in line for the throne thanks to the order of birth, had leave to travel the realm. Celosia believes she is a sellsword or a bard or some such, but Aunt Linnea does not often get discussed. [b][color=FF00FF]Childhood:[/color][/b] Much of Celosia's childhood was spent in various forms of study. It was hardly ideal but a necessary evil considering her position. She had time to herself, of course, and used it as wisely as she could. Sneaking around, trying to pilfer food from the larders or making childhood promises to her playmates, sneaking kisses to the cheek on a dare or a whim. Her childhood certainly had their moments of innocent whimsy inbetween the lessons on court etiquette and diplomacy. [b][color=FF00FF]Adulthood:[/color][/b] Celosia's adult life has been a stressful one; when you become a young queen you are forced to grow up fast. Her marriage and birth of Willow Rose were the first memories of her adult life, other than her position as queen, of course. Her study didn't lesson even as she sat the throne, and her adult life was when her command of magic came into its own. [b][color=FF00FF]Special Moments:[/color][/b] Some might think her ascension is the standout moment of her life, but in truth it was the birth of her daughter. She loves Willow and often feels she is a bit over protective of her, but the moment when she held her daughter in her arms still brings her unrivaled joy. Not even her marriage measured up, considering much of her smiling that day was false. Her coronation and subsequent banquet would be a decent second place. [b][color=FF00FF]Current Events:[/color][/b] The increasing news and sightings of the strange infected sorts has put a great deal of worry on Celosia's mind. She has recalled her Knight Commanders to discuss and potentially contain this threat. She is worried, and understandably so. And if that wasn't bad enough, there is discussion of Willow Rose desiring to spend more time amongst knights...which is as unbecoming as it is potentially dangerous... [h3][b][i][color=FF00FF][center]Relations[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [color=6ecff6][center]* ☠ Enemy * ⚜ Unfriendly * ☯ Neutral * ☮ Friends * ღ Ally * ♥ Crush/Significant Other * [/center][/color] [list] [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Name:[/color][/b] Description [*] [b][color=FF00FF]Name:[/color][/b] Description [/list] [h3][b][i][color=FF00FF][center]Extras (Optional)[/center][/color][/i][/b][/h3] [b][color=FF00FF]Character Quote:[/color][/b] "The Queen serves the people. The Knights protect the people. The Artists keep the people. In the game of monarchy it is the people that must be won." [b][color=FF00FF]Theme Song:[/color][/b] [url=]Rose of May[/url] [b][color=FF00FF]Aura Color:[/color][/b] Lavender [b][color=FF00FF]Scent:[/color][/b] A very distinct lilac. [b][color=FF00FF]Anything Else:[/color][/b] [/hider]