[color=Crimson][h1][center]Argus Leandros[/center][/h1][/color] [color=Crimson]"Just Argus is fine, no need to be so stiff and formal."[/color] Argus took a second to yawn, still feeling a little tired from the long trek back from Belka. As Rose gave him the sense that she didn't know where Marlene was either(as well as some unsolicited information about herself that made Argus feel a bit awkward), he was ready to give them both a wave good-bye and be on his merry way. Then Rose decided to put out an APB through their communication Lacrima for the girl, which was a nice gesture and all, but also kinda over-board. Argus opened his mouth to say that they didn't really need to do this, but then he found himself being escorted to some big, intimidating guy all of the sudden by Lucas. A bead of sweat rolled down his face as he wonder if this guy was about to beat him up or something, certainly looked capable. Luckily, he just wanted to know Argus' intentions for the visit. [i][color=Crimson]UUgh, I feel kind of awkward now that I've drawn so much attention, plus if what this guy said is true, she heard that and if I go up there, it'll seem like I made a big deal of it. Dammit, I'm just standing here like an idiot and this dude already doesn't seem to happy with me asking questions.[/color][/i] [color=Crimson]"Oh, just giving her one of these as part of an apology for some . . . difficulties I caused her a couple days ago. I was a bit of an ass to her, and we kinda got into a bit of a scuffle that got us both in some big trouble, so yeah, just want to say sorry is all."[/color] As Argus spoke he re-quipped one of his gift bags into his hands to gently pass over to Jarvis, giving him the same warning he gave everyone to be very careful with it. [color=Crimson]"So . . . can you call her down? I'd feel a bit weird going all the way up to her hotel room since we don't really know each other all that well, and it'd just make thinks awkward, I think. Also, do you guys have any water, cause I'm feeling kinda parched right now.[/color] As he finished, Argus started fiddling with , a tick he often did when he got nervous and right now he was worried over whether this guy knew the specificities of everything that happen, and thus, was possibly going to feed him 18 different flavor whoop-ass no matter what he was here for. [@Caits] [@Lmpkio] [@Joshua Tamashii] [@Roseletta] [b][h1]Nidhogg/Jacqueline[/h1][/b] [b]"Oh, the details of my current look aren't that important, besides, I can't believe somebody changing their body in this fashion is really all that bizarre in a day and age when magic has once more begun to grow commonplace."[/b] With a giggle, Jacqueline poke Jasmine sternum before turning around to start walking in a direction, beckoning for the girl to follow. [b["really, if you spend time getting hung up on such pitiful notions of normality, you will become just another boring face in the crowd. Standing by social conventions and norms are for those who lack the strength of will to be who they really are. Ah, but I'm not here to lecture you, I'm here because I'm bored and you seem like you are to, so let's do something interesting, yes?"[/b] Turning around to make sure that Jasmine was still following, Jacqueline pointed down a rather dingy looking alleyway. The shadows within were long and deep, and the smell of filth and refuse was rather unpleasant. [b]"Let's try going down this way, and see where it leads us. A little mini-adventure, if you will. And don't worry about any dangerous vagabonds or criminals, because the only thing that could possibly hurt you while I'm around is, well, myself, and I wouldn't dream of harming a single hair on your head. That's a promise."[/b] [@Lunarlors34]