[quote=@Iatos] [center][color=green][h2]Larvitar[/h2][/color][/center]A Weedle would be one of the first things to taste his test of might... he would bite it and it would protect itself by spraying strings all over him. The Strings was sticky and made it more difficult to move, it tried to sting him and from the sensation Larvitar got he knew to avoid that sting as it was dangerous. Sticky he withdrew until he could get the strings off himself, and in the meantime the Weedle ran away as it didn't want to fight. [/quote][quote=@TalijaKey] [h2][center][color=black]Zorua[/color][/center][/h2]He was debating if he should eat the oran berries or maybe take a short nap first, Z wasnt too sure. The decision was taken out his hand as he heard something outside. When he peeked out he saw a Weedle hurrying away. [/quote][h2][center][color=ffff00]Weedle[/color][/center][/h2] As the Weedle ran/crawled away in pokemon form, he shifted into a gijinka, the form of a young, blonde boy in loose-fitting, ragged brown robes. He didn't know why the Larvitar had attacked him, but there were tears clinging to the young Weedle's eyes from having been bullied. When he felt safe enough, he shifted back into pokemon form, curled up and had a good cry, falling asleep in the process. When he awoke, he looked around and noticed that it was getting dark and that he was dangerously close to the human settlement known as Viridian City. He wanted to get back into the forest when he saw a bush near the entrance of the city, a bush full of delicious looking berries. Shifting back into gijinka form, he started picking the berries and stuffing his face. Then two Pidgeys and a Pidgeotto showed up. "Hey! Look at the little Weedle, eating berries that don't belong to him," one of the Pidgeys stated. Weedle looked up in confusion, berry juice dripping down the corner of his mouth. "That's right," the other Pidgey replied, "didn't ask us, did you?" "Let's teach him a little lesson about ownership," the Pidgeotto said, grinning and cracking his knuckles. The three surrounded Weedle and started kicking the stuffing out of him. They weren't at it long however, as the Pidgeotto got an idea. "Hey guys, check this out," he said, switching to pokemon form, and grasping Weedle with his talons. Pidgeotto used Fly, lifting Weedle off the ground while the Pidgeys followed him into the air. They laughed raucously as Weedle began to panic. Flying over the city, the Pidgeotto finally said, "Stay away from our bush," and dropped Weedle. Tears of fear streamed out of Weedle's eyes as he fell, the view of Viridian City approaching him at terminal velocity. He landed with a 'slap' on top of a human's head. Dizzy from the fall and weakened from the beating, Weedle was close to fainting as he slowly slipped from the head of black hair. [@Bright_Ops]