Mystery continues running trying to listen to them talking. His big pointed ears sticking straight up, and since he was so small he couldn't see that there were someone's legs right in front of him. Being has graceful has he is he runs head on into the person's leg. He hit their leg with a swack and bounces back. Mystery sits there in pain from hitting the person and unable to talk and explain because of how much it hurt. [color=662d91]"Ow ow ow ow... That hurt... Ow ow... Who did I run into... Ow!"[/color] He says to himself growling slightly. [@SoulEater] Spirit continues to poke around the cabins, she soon gets the courage to try to open the front door. She takes a deep breath and slowly begins to turn the door nob. At first, it didn't open so she just slumped down the door and leans back. The door creaks and Sprit jumped quickly changing into a rabbit and stands there in front of the door her fur standing up to making her look bigger even though she is already 30 inches big.