The veteran knight eyed the surroundings warily, from the confines of her hood. A vast expanse with little to no cover. It made her heart flutter a little. She was used to the forest surroundings, and whenever vast expanses opened before her eyes, she felt... inconvenieced by the fact. Yet, despite the circumstances, she still was steeling her position in her improvised stag mount, remaining alert and vigilant. A veteran knight led by example, as a captain should have done. But the example she was giving was... debatable at best. She had known Fanilly as a trainee. And now she was supposed to be her captain. While still having the very same level of skill and attitudes. [i]Oh yeah, what else to state, my dear captain? That water is wet?[/i] Umbra chided herself as she leant towards the head of her steed, carefully caressing the head of the animal. The elf knight eyed both Indrau (a crippled junior, but certainly more apt than half the humans that were gathered), and Tyaethe (one of the most senior knights, but as far as she was concerned, also a nature defying abomination). She blatantly disregarded the newcomer with the baked potato, the knight known as Jarde and she didn't even eyed Fanilly once. "I agree with Sir Tyaethe." She said, paying little to no heed to the loudmouth wanna be knight that was trying to reach the captain's ears with his awfully naive voice of his. "This is far too odd. I've not seen many animals either skulking around. Something did happen to scare them away." Umbra added. "Even trying to recruit a flock of crows to keep an eye on the heights is proving to be trickier than expected. I've not seen hidden corpses either." She added, her other hand clutching her bow. "I'll have my weapon at the ready. If something moves, I shoot." It was then when she decided she had enough. "Oh, young man, how kind of you. That plan sounds great! Why don't you have a go at it." [i]And get killed in the process, you dimwitted excuse of a human knight.[/i] She added mentally herself. [hr] Sult shifted in her armor, readjusting herself in her sitting position. The armor clanked significantly as a result, and her elbow was inadvertedly shoved into Nero's own pectoral plate, causing a loud clank and a stream of protests from her elder sister, who was riding side by side. Veritably, they were the spitting image of eachother, fully geared as Iron Rose knights. Sult had even managed to trade in their current horses for a couple of twin mares, much to her sister's displeasure. Sult still defended matched looks were the way to go. "Hey, watch it, you idiot!" Nero threw herself a dirty look at her sister. "But my butt is all sore from riding." Sult herself answered, in that playful voice of hers. "Like I care. Why don't you go and pester your barbarian hunk?" Nero frowned as a reply. "He's not here." "Then go pester, uh... sir Indrau?" Nero said the first name that came to her head, as she herself looked at each side. "Anyway, keep peeled. This doesn't look right." "Hmph, maybe I should go after your Sir Gillian, you've been talking an awful lot to him lately." Sult snapped back. "But yeah, I agree. Think we're too late?" "I do not know for certain. But let's keep on our toes." Nero added, giving herself a fair distance between herself and the cadre of the veterans. Even if she had been a captain once, she was still a newcomer among the knights, so probably her advice would not be welcome.