Well...this character [hider=History Excerpt] From the age of 15 till about a month before the Princess Massacre, he was 24 at the time, which he doesn't admit to being a part of, he was pro-Britannia and joined the military as soon as he could. His first assignments were pretty basic 'peace' missions and he soon worked his way to a knightmare pilot and took great joy in what he did still that fateful day. Though he hates to admit it he was at the 'Safe' zone during the massacre and got a first row seat at the slaughter. It is coincidence that his jousting lance was found embedded in his commander's Sutherland and his own knightmare wasn't accounted for after the fact. In the month before that incident Fenrir had turned to the Black Knights and had been acting as a spy for their intelligence sector. His main and only reason was that he was tired of killing the innocent, the Numbers as his commanders called them. He was under the Black Knight's employ during the Massacre and regrets every minute of it. Worried about his own safety as he deserted the battle, he when to find a black market ship to the E.U. He spent about a month in hiding before he decided to try his luck with the military. He has sense been working his way through the ranks to become worthy again in his own eyes and those of his fellows. He is now happy with his position and work tirelessly to fulfill the promises he has made himself and his squad mates. One of the youngest members of the E.U's military he has never been happier and can't wait for his second shot at Britannia and his former allies in it's military. [/hider] The way everything is laid out is kind of...clunky for starters. Makes it sound like he betrayed Britannia because of the massacre but in reality he was already a traitor and spy a mere month prior. Why even bother saying "It is coincidence" about killing his commander then in the paragraph after explain that a month prior he was already working with the Black Knights? Not good to make character history so jumbled. Frankly the character just sounds like a traitor who is also a bit of a coward. Don't get me wrong that can actually make for a pretty interesting character but its hard to see how the Black Knights would even think about trusting someone like that. Also the copy and paste bit is in bad taste and I agree with [@vancexentan] about that. Also I would think someone like him would be used on the EU front rather than in Japan for starters, seems weird that he'd be over there in the first place. The character just really doesn't seem to fit all that well with the setting ya know?