Almost immediately, the blue-haired girl sprang back. The spear became a red flash, sweeping the cloak aside and snapping back. The fine tip, made as much for cutting as it was for piercing, flashed back and neatly split the arrows in a single blow. The final arrow hit just in front of her. "So you are, huh?" the girl commented, narrowing her eyes. "I already told you the truth, these aren't the people you think they are." Fanilly raised her sword again. This... was a trap, wasn't it? But why was she still insisting even after being attacked? None of this seemed right, and all these dead soldiers... "... But if you're more interested in a fight, I'm happy to oblige," continued the girl, a vicious grin coming to her face as she spoke, "Borifos!" The doors of the large tower to the right exploded out in a shower of wood and iron fragments, and through them stepped an enormous humanoid figure of steel. At first glance, Fanilly thought it was a steel golem, until it spoke in a deep, rumbling voice. "If you had not moved back far enough, my lady, you would have died. Please do not risk yourself alone unnecessarily," the enormous figure in armor spoke. "Oi oi, I dodged it, didn't I?"