[center][h2][b][color=DimGray]Dakota Wilds[/color][/b][/h2] [b]Interacting with:[/b] Colette, Ivy, Miles, Leah && Wes[/center][hr][hr] Dakota hadn't expected the "surprise hug" from Colette and as a result, his face immediately turned red. He knew this because he could feel the heat rising to his face and had noticed the amused look on Miles's face as the blond drew near with an entourage including Ivy, Leah, and Wes. Still slightly shocked by the hug, Dakota did his best to return it, but it was more of an awkward "half-hug" than anything else. "Yeah! I'm so glad that we're finally meeting as well!" Often times he had late night conversations with others in the group regarding what it would be like to meet them and what they would do, but he never dreamed that it would happen so early in his life. He expected it to happen long after college, not this soon. As he said this, he noticed that Miles, Ivy, Leah, and Wes had caught up to Colette as well. "Aww, we don't get the same special treatment as Colette?" A slight teasing remark from Miles. "No, you all just hadn't made your way over to me just yet. It's nice to finally meet you all as well." "Fair point. And same to you." Miles, Ivy, and Wes all introduced themselves properly in person, but Leah only waved and quietly said, "Hello". She was always a little on the shy side and Dakota knew this, so he didn't push her to say more. Before long, the crew had joined Dakota in line and they were nearing the doors to the convention hall. Inside, they would be able to see Josh's and Jordan's panel while meeting the remainder of their online friends. While waiting, Dakota turned to Colette in order to respond to her comment from earlier, "New York's not bad, but a little to hectic for me. Being from Vermont, I've never seen this many people outside of Burlington or the few college tours that I went on. It's also a little too loud for my liking, but at least it has you and the others in it, right?"