[center][h2][color=39b54a]Juana Perez[/color][/h2] -[u]Feyhollow Wood[/u]-[/center] [hr] Wiping her brow and smiling at Tora, Juana said, "Thank goodness; your Growlithe is one smart pup. Knowing how to not only find her way back to you, but also snag a Pokémon?" Juana watched the Skiddo quaver. "Hey, I'm probably going to stay here for a bit to catch another Pokémon. Feel free to get that Skiddo healed up," she said to Tora. Wandering into a clearing, Juana looked around. There was a small clump of sleeping Morelulls at the base of a tree, and a troop of Oddish marching across the forest floor. There was a Weedle on a tree, a couple of Cutieflies buzzing around, and some Flabébés picking the flowers with the help of a gentle Comfey. A patient Victreebel hung from a branch, its mouth open for any unsuspecting bug Pokémon; a Carnivine was positioned the same way. Juana kept quiet as a Nidoking stomped through the forest. The fairies hushed as well; the power of Nidoking was not to be reckoned with. Corphish did not care. But Juana did, and before Corphish could challenge the BIG KING, Juana and Dewpider pulled it out of the clearing. "Not just yet, tiger," she said, waggling her finger at Corphish. Suddenly, out of the underbrush, a poisonous stinger lashed out at Corphish, and jabbed it in the gut. Corphish was [i]furious.[/i] The crawdad turned towards the perpetrator, a Skorupi brandishing its claws and ready to fight. Corphish prepared to snip-snip the scorpion, but fell over, frothing at the mouth. "¡Madre de--!" Juana pulled out Corphish's Poké Ball, and checked her Pokédex; that Skorupi had poisoned Corphish. "You need some manners knocked into you!" Juana said, pulling Corphish back into the ball. Skorupi chittered as if in challenge, eyeing Juana's other Pokémon. Corphish was no snack, but Skorupi appeared to be one angry belligerent Pokémon. Corphish flailed about in the ball, eager to beat the toxic snot out of the Skorupi. If it's a fight it wants, then by Kyogre's big blue behind Corphish was sure as heck going to give it one! "Not this time, amigo. You're poisoned," Juana chided Corphish. [i]IT'S JUST STUPID TOXINS! I AM INVINCIBLE!!!!![/i] Corphish seemed to be saying. "You need to rest," she pointed out. Skorupi made no other sudden moves, but it was clearly ready to use those claws and poison pinchers. Juana put one hand on Dewpider's Poké Ball. "Okay, Skorupi, let's settle this mano e mandible," she said wih a smirk, before tossing Dewpider into the open. Dewpider landed on its spindly green legs and eyed Skorupi. The scorpion Pokémon seemed just about ready to start scrapping, and Dewpider was sort of kinda ready to oblige. The spider Pokémon turned back to Juana with a look that said [i]"BE CAREFUL!!!"[/i] Skorupi let out a "Th-shk-shk-shk-shk!" and lashed out with its poisonous tail at Dewpider. Dewpider, however, skittered out of the way and sprayed a jet of bubbles from its mouth. Skorupi blocked its face, which gave Dewpider an opportunity to get up close and sting Dewpider with a Bug Bite. The attack was not very effective, however, and Skorupi clamped Dewpider in the face with its pincers. "Shhhhsshhh!" Dewpider hissed, loosing bubbles point blank into Skorupi, before raising its abdomen and loosing parasites upon the scorpion that bit and pinced at the larger bug's carapace. Skorupi let go and started swatting at itself. Skorupi lunged at Dewpider and bit its water bubble whole; Dewpider, however, was kept safe within its jiggling helmet, and was able to uppercut Skorupi with yet another jet of bubbles. Skorupi had to let go and cough after falling backwards. Skorupi shook off the pain and coughed once, before going for a Knock Off, hammering Dewpider over the head and causing the Pokémon to pitch forward and nearly drop its liquid helmet. Dewpider, of course, did not appreciate being clobbered, and it was very protective of its water bubble. Ergo, the Knock Off would have to be punished with a bite to the neck. Dewpider jumped at Skorupi and bit it, causing the scorpion to turn its back and flail wildly. Juana thought she saw Dewpider give her a look, and she lobbed the Poké Ball at Skorupi, engulfing it in a flash of red light. For good measure, Dewpider encased the Poké Ball in an orange-sized bubble. It was not sure how well that would help, since, being a river-dwelling, water-breathing spider it wasn't exactly well-versed in the ways of human technology. The ball shook and twirled in the water bubble, and Juana stood there with her fists clenched. "C'mon... c'mon..." she muttered. A dull click. The bubble popped and the ball dropped with that satisfying mechanical ring that Poké Ball impact made. Juana ran over and scooped up the ball, peering inside. The Pokédex buzzed. [i]"Skorupi. Scorpion Pokémon. Poison/Bug type. Female. "As soon as the tail claws close, its needle tips secrete poison. It can survive a year without food. Nature: Adamant. Loves to fight. Ability: Sniper. Moves: Poison Sting, Bite, Knock Off, Leer."[/i] "Quite the scrapper, huh?" Juana remarked. "Not sure if you and Corphish would get along or put those pincers at each other's throats." At mention of its name, Corphish perked up, curious about this new addition. Corphish waved its pincers at Juana and gave her an impatient frothing noise. [i]"Lemme size up the new gal's claws!"[/i] it seemed to say. "You want to meet our new friend right now?" Juana asked. She pressed the button on the ball, and Skorupi emerged, expecting, like, a cool fight or something. Skorupi calmed down a bit when it realized there was no fighting going on right now. Corphish scuttled up to Skorupi and boasted about its big crawdad claws. It puffed up a bit with pride. Skorupi then brandished its scissor-like claws, causing Corphish to stop and marvel at their sharpness and thus inherent deadliness. They even came with poison secretions! (A fact which Corphish knew from experience.) Corphish and Skorupi got up in each other's grille, staring into each other's eyes. Juana smelled a budding rivalry. Juana picked up Skorupi, prompting the scorpion to flail about, not pinching anything but not realizing it was totally safe. "Whoa! Calm down!" Juana urged. She reached into her pocket and pulled out... a marshmallow? "Hey, hey, sh, sh, sh. No pinching! Calm down! I don't bite!" Juana sat down on a tree stump and set Skorupi in her lap. She was very well aware how incredibly dangerous it was to hold a live scorpion in her lap. But it was a Pokémon, and one that she just captured, right? She tilted the marshmallow to Skorupi's head, and the scorpion felt it with its mandibles a bit, intrigued. It was squishy, and it tasted delightfully sweet and fluffy. Skorupi was immediately pacified by the confection. "That's a nice scorpion," she said. "Good scorpion. No more pinching Corphish while you're here, okay?" Corphish stuck its tongue out at Skorupi. "Meanwhile, [i]you[/i] need to get to the Pokémon center," Juana said, pointing firmly to Corphish. Juana put all her Pokémon, except Bounsweet, into their capsules, and turned around, walking back to town. She entered the center, deposited her Pokémon, and waited for a bit. [hider=Notes] -TP: HHG +1, post +1, total: 17 -CP: +1, total: 14 -Juana caught Skorupi! [@Balthazar007] -Continued interaction with [@Silver Fox]'s character Tora -Inventory: Used Poké Ball x1 [hider=Team status] -Bounsweet lv 4, healthy -Corphish lv 3, poisoned -Skorupi lv 1, worn out -Dewpider lv 3, also worn out[/hider][/hider]