[hider=Alexander Sky] [h2]Alexander Sky[/h2] [IMG]http://i65.tinypic.com/20rw6lf.png[/IMG] [b]Age[/b] 18 [b]Gender[/b] Male. [b]Race[/b] Human [b]Magic[/b] N/A [b]Divine Protection[/b] [b]Blessing of Investigation[/b] - Alexander's eyes can see, and see all magical illusions, effects, blessings, curses and even alterations, as well as detect that [i]something[/i] supernatural is being cast. Note however that this is its own drawback, as Alexander registers magic as differently colored lights, meaning that too many of such would blind him. Thus, in areas with dense magic, he has to put on a blindfold to preserve his eyesight. [h2]Personality[/h2] Alexander is reckless, but committed, and also a person who has only recently managed to rein in their emotions. Although not naturally kinder than the average person, Alexander is someone who [i]wants[/i] to be more than he already is, and is willing to do what it takes to get it. At the same time, however, he can be a show-off, impatient, and as mentioned, reckless, as well as secretly afraid that he might let himself down, which would equate to letting others down. "I'm not as kind as I want to be - in fact, I'm pretty nasty. But I want to change all that, and I will." [h2]Background[/h2] One of Alexander's first memories was watching Detective Conan/Case Closed, due his babysitter leaving the TV on. The fact that he was somehow able to comprehend the plots of each episode was also the time when it became clear that he was different from others, different not just in his intelligence, but in his realization that when he wanted something, he should try to get it, either by asking nicely, or by giving something in return, like good grades at school or extra obedience to one's parents. Even as he got older and other shows and stories about detectives stopped being appealing to him, Detective Conan, and later, books such as Artemis Fowl (which he began to take an interest in when he was getting older), remained an inspiration to his life. In school, Alexander was known as a mystery-solver, able to get answers to minor schoolroom capers such as missing lunch boxes, vandalism, and minor embezzlement by student council members (which aren't as powerful as they were in Japan). In short, he got a nice reputation, a reputation that got him favors, good graces by the safety patrol, praise, and eventually, girls and boys. Then, he found the occult, and although he didn't believe the 'malarkey', he was distracted enough by studying it that his life took a downturn as his investigation skills, though still formidable by schoolyard standards, began to stagnate, and while he can deduce and find solutions to minor crimes, stuff such as murder and such were now outside of the young man's deductive skills. Alexander knew this, and kept out of speculating on larger cases, even when he got to University early, at the age of 15. He also felt a draw to learn martial arts, namely Filipino Eskrima/Kali, which he chose because it combined blades, sticks, and even unarmed combat in a lethal combination. Alexander had also begun keeping a Kindle filled with books from the Encyclopedia Britannica and various other reference books. All the while, his investigative skills were being exercised again, as he found himself looking at cases where occult and 'magical' symbolism were used in murders and other cases. It seemed that he was not fully ready for crimes based on 'rational' or 'self-interested' causes, but when the perpetrators were using 'magical thinking', he was competent enough to deduce killers and motives at the same time as the Police did. One day, Alexander was invited to a conference revolving around cult killings (Aum Shinrikyo et al) in Japan. Getting his parents' blessing, and using what money he saved up from part-time jobs, the boy boarded a plane headed for the archipelago - which ended up crashing into the sea in a freak accident. [i]Get up...[/i] he would say to himself, [i]This isn't the end...[/i] And Alexander's eyes would shine with power, as he woke up in another world, in the nation of Lugnica. When he had finally made certain that he wasn't dreaming, Alexander found himself feeling like a small kid in a candy store with unlimited money. Magic was real in this world! He had managed to keep his Kindle on him! Also, he had magic as well! However, this enjoyment faded once he realized that he wanted to get back home, that he wanted to see his parents again, that he still had a life on Earth. Not merely that, but did the same thing happen to other people? If it had, should he find them and do one of those epic quests to get back home, if they want to, of course? And more to the point, who was building pathways between worlds? Any entity powerful and, he speculated, amoral enough to do that would be a potential threat to Earth, and his family on it. That cannot be allowed, so he had to investigate. And, as it turned out, there [i]were[/i] other people like him, so at least he had a lead... [b]Likes[/b] -Men -Women -Sweets -Eskrima [b]Dislikes[/b] -Himself at times. -Fearing things. [h2]Theme[/h2] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SsZ1UkTugeM [/hider] [b]Edit:[/b] Myst got Retconned to no longer be a pervert, but a generic villain. This has GM Permission. [hider= Myst Neumann] [h2]Myst Neumann[/h2] [IMG]http://i64.tinypic.com/ehgh3l.jpg[/IMG] [b]Age[/b] 74 [b]Gender[/b] Male. [b]Race[/b] Human [b]Magic[/b] Water Magic. [b]Divine Protection[/b] N/A. [h2]Personality[/h2] Myst is a person whose motives had decayed from 'bring order to the world to end suffering' to 'dominate all life and force it into a shape of one's own design'. This isn't helped by years of learning and experimentation, where he had acquired a lack of shame and discust over unetheical methods of research. A tyrannical man who yet believes that he is the best course for the world - nay, all worlds, Myst is someone who is obsessive, megalomaniacal, and claims to be above base desires even while surrendering to the latter. However, he is well aware of his relative lack of power and resources, and so is willing to work with and manipulate others, although he would consider himself above the people he works with... [h2]Background[/h2] Myst was born in Lugnica's capital, to a family of magi and nobles of some renown. Talented, but not a prodigy at Water Magic, Myst had an inquisitive mind, and, when looking around at the suffering of others, would often wonder: Why is the world built that some must be hurt without deserving it? This would later become: How can the world be fixed so that people won't be hurt? And so he threw himself into his studies, studies of politics and magic, as well as making contacts with the local acdemia. And for a while, everything was good...but also fragile. For one day, he made a chance remark criticizing the kingdom's treatment of Elves (this was before the civil war and the decleration of equality for all races), which reached the ears of those jealous of him and who wanted to take him down a peg. His chance remark was spun into 'evidence' of treasonous sentiment, and he found himself losing friends, allies, and contacts, leaving him with only the resources he already had, and an estate owned by his ancestors in the far frontiers of the Kingdom, which, he, disheartened, withdrew to with his materials for study. There, he began delving into the other side of Water Magic, the side that twisted life and healing into blood and mutation. This experimentation also twisted him, causing his views and motives to begin their decay. Where once he wanted to create a better world, now he wanted to create a world that was only his'. Contacting the few people who remained his friends and allies, Myst rebuilt his web of contacts, but in a much darker form, looking for people who shared his madness, his obsessions, and other desires people might consider 'evil'. No more codes of ethics, no more morals, no more inhibitions. There was to be only one guiding principle; control of all life, so that everything can be in its proper place. And, as he prepared to make his move, Myst began hearing rumors, rumors of people from another world entirely, rumors of people with dubious origins but powerful skills, skills such as the previously rare Divine Protections. And an obsession rose within him, an obsession to control first Lugnica, then the rest of [i]his[/i] world, by controlling these 'newcomers'. But he was going to need help, he was going to need those who would aid him. [b]Likes[/b] -Men -Women -Power [b]Dislikes[/b] -Not being in control of a situation. -Being outsmarted. [/hider]