[b][color=8882be]"Should we need to perform surgery, I'd... well... as long as you don't experiment while you perform it."[/color][/b] Irthorne was a bit opposed to allowing the Ultharid to do this because of his past, but at the same time he was the best candidate in the party for doing so. Either way, the gnome wizard walked over to the stump he gave his speech on before and stood overlooking the whole group. [i][color=8882be]"This is gonna go pretty well, I can feel it."[/color][/i] He fired an arcane bolt into the air to grab the attention of everyone, and then he began his spiel. [color=8882be][b]"Thank you all again for helping with this, I honestly can't thank you enough. We have everyone who can contribute to this mission accounted for, and now it's time for the dreaded team split."[/b][/color] Irthorne didn't want the team to die in the crypt due to carelessness, so the group members he would have to choose to enter the crypt would have to be the ones who he was sure wouldn't bring the cave in. [color=8882be][b]"Kara, Bartimus, Skarrab-Alea, Masrith and Amarilla, you 5 are going to be the group that comes with me into the crypt..."[/b][/color] Asking Bartimus to watch Kara was a bit rude, so naturally he and Kara would go into the crypt as a sort of apology to Bartimus. Skarrab-Alea frightened the gnome out of fear for what she could do to him if he upset her, and the same applied to Masrith to a different degree. Masrith frightened the gnome, but that wasn't the reason why he was going in, whereas he was really going in as a guide because he was born underground and had natural traits to accompany that. Lastly, Amarilla was adverse to the sun, so she would go in due to that. [b][color=8882be]"... and Feon, Kol'Rakul, Andrik, Lorik, and Ingrim are on outside duty. I promise you sort would be compensated for this rather dreary task. I also must ask you guys to stay outside. A few days ago I had a few of the kings men scout out this crypt and they reported a few notes of non-undead leaving the crypt. A goblin, being a bit of a concern to me with all the gear reported on the goblin."[/color][/b] Feon's immense strength and Kol'Rakul's... passion were a bit unstable, plus Feon was easily manipulated so keeping her away from Masrith in case of a coup was a good idea. Andrik was better served where he could see and scout easily, while Lorik had a bit of an unstable shadow, which couldn't be tracked in the dark, so there was fear in that. Ingrim was with a large group of his contraptions, so if they all went into this crypt, they'd likely cause a cave in. [color=8882be][b]"Those going into the crypt, meet in the first room in no more than 5 minutes! Dismissed!"[/b][/color] [@Cuccoruler][@BKburke][@Bishop][@BCTheEntity][@Kafka Komedy][@Starberries][@Horrid][@The Wild West][@Turbowraith][@DracoLunaris]