John followed the rest of the squad, confused as to where all the bloodshed was. The frenzon was now within his whole body, every muscle, nerve and neuron was dead set on well... making the enemy dead. He was ready to use his bare hands to leave the enemies as a red puddle, although if not given the chance his heavy stubber would do. The realization that they were not being immediately deployed to the warzone was not welcome at all to the ex-Frateris. First off, it meant he had less of the war-juice he injected in himself for later, and secondly it meant that he had a great desire for violence of which there was not a great many choices to sate at the moment. All the words said echoed, the man unable to comprehend what was said beyond them being given a few vague choices. He stared down at his hands, shaking once again. This time it wasn't because of all the recoil compensation he was used to, now it was because they wanted a throat to lunge for. He stuck one in his pocket and zipped it up tightly drawing a little blood; he did not mind, so long as he did not end up breaking some officer's neck. His other hand was busy holding his heavy stubber which he did not have to worry about due to his reverence for the weapon. He did not know it, but all of his skin was crimson.The fury was rising, the need to kill, to end inferior lives for his glory. The restraint was too much to bear, it was like being unable to pull out a grand spike through the heart. John began to mutter to himself, then he let out a little insane bloodthirsty giggle. [color=red]"They're all going to die. All the blood and carnage of the enemies of man, oh it's going to be grand. [i]I'm so excited.[/i]"[/color] he said to himself, albeit very loudly. He slowly transitioned the giggles into a low growl, biting at the air within his mask. Later, he would be glad he had it on and did not go to for someone's throat. There was a short reprieve from the effects of the drug, a feeling like instantly coming out from the bottom of a body of water. There was a short pain in his head and just a few moments of clarity, yet still tinged by the insatiable blood-lust. [color=red]"Let's just go and fight, right to the task. Nearest warzone, that way we can exterminate the enemy faster."[/color] he said, half oblivious to all that was being said. He rolled down his sleeves and pulled up his collar to hide the red skin, feeling that the effect was about to come back. Yes, there it was, like a million hooks pulling at every bit of the body but... in a good way, however that can be. He let out a short yelp of both pain and delight, and then grunted, followed by a request. The presence of all these potential victims was too much. [color=red]Can I be excused for a moment, Sir."[/color] [@agentmanatee][@NecroKnight][@Bright_Ops][@Dannyrulx][@Jbcool][@Rultaos][@mackielars]