[b][center][color=#17c311][h3][i]Cyneburg[/i][/h3][/color] [color=#17c311]Location:[/color] Orc Camp [color=#17c311]Interacting with:[/color] Everyone behind the wall[/center][/b] Well being a crocodile was fun and all, but given the current state of things, the form didn't seem to be of much use anymore. Furthermore, keeping the shape of a reptile in a quickly freezing landscape would not bode well for her ability to remain an active part of the conflict. First, she would shed the reptilian form to her original humanoid one (something she'd be pretty relieved to do: having to wrestle with such a one-track brain and be covered in scales were not things she enjoyed. Some swamp-druids loved to be crocodiles, but she didn't get what they saw in the form), flexing the ice off of her toes. Assuming that all that went well [OOC: I don't know if you need to roll for canceling spell effects] she'd go about trying to positively influence the current flow of combat. Against the big fog thing she could try using her Control Wind spell to dissipate its body and/or send it somewhere else, but she didn't have any mistletoe on her. And the chances of one of the other party members having it was- actually there was a half decent chance given the number of spellcasters and nature-lovers around. But there was another thing she could do. Directing her attention to the forest from whence the exploding skeletons were running to attack the orcs, she cast Plant Growth. If all went according to plan, the flora would rapidly grow the point where it would be impossible to walk through without first clearing it away. It would at the very least soak up some of the exploding skeletons. Hopefully.