[center][color=red][h3]Akai "Little Red"[/h3] [hider=Ref][IMG]http://i.imgur.com/C9UmgmC.jpg[/IMG][/hider] [i]Location: Crocus, in town Interactions: Cody [@lunarlors34] [/i][/color][/center] Such a good actor, this girl was. A realistic, gentle frown of concern met her gentle face, her green eyes softening even more to show her want of nothing more than to help. [color=red]"I realize you're hurting, so I won't become upset with your sharp words, but please understand that I mean no harm."[/color] Akai took a few more hesitant steps forward so she was just a couple or more feet from the boy. [color=red]"I apologize if I came off wrong. I just know what it's like to have your heart broken. It's painful isn't it?"[/color] She paused to place a kind hand cautiously on his shoulder, the palm warm and comforting. [color=red]"I know what it's like, so I help people to get rid of the pain in their hearts. To do that, you merely have to remove what's causing you pain... that's what I'm offering you, because I can empathize with you. Do you understand?"[/color] Akai moved her head to make eye contact with Cody, a glimmer of hopefulness and concern filling the deep pools of amber and green. [color=red]"I can help you..."[/color]